Boots, check it I am wearing that sweet Verge Jacket you gave me for helping you with a little light reading while I let off the explosive response to the HillBilly's weak ass IED, I got your IED.
photo by Eric W.
I do realize that this ride was 9 days ago and so much has happened through out the cosmos since then that posting now seems rather futile or late giving it less meaning. Don't be fooled, this was truly a meaning full ride as all of them are and I was even able to use the return fire method of engaging the enemy. Okay there was no enemy but there were some car access humans encamped near that dirt parking lot above the gate after the GreenTown exit climb out that were not expecting me to pull out a pack of firecrackers and light them in response to their weak little one poof rapport. Plus I think that I actually saw a few friends laugh as they watched me yell, "Fire in the Hole!" after quickly drawing out, and unwrapping the pack. It was a relatively big group ride, 11 including Ian B., Ben Cohen(sorry I got us lost for a few and pulling a Blair), Mike B.,
Eric, Skiddaladophy, Bill Nye, Lance(not that one), Fennel(Here is
Fennel's words about riding across this fine country with Judy),
My former Ex-Wife and I. We took off from the Dirt Mounds on 181 and rode classic Wilson's Trail of which included GreenTown Plunge, Raiders Camp to Sinkhole via the saddle and back out up to the car. On a part of Raiders lower I crashed out of site in front of Skiddaladophy and Becky winding up off the trail to the downward right side arresting my fall by awkwardly grabbing the Rhodos. Face down the Mountain, off the trail, my bike on top of me, when he and she rolled up I had to ask, "Guys, you know I hate asking but I need help." They pulled the bike off of me which allowed me to get to my feet on the sloped terrain. Whewww, not dead and/or broken. Woo-hoo onwards. What? No swimming. Not today up to the sink hole saddle and out. 11 folks, 26.5miles(check this for
trail profile GPS style provided by the Wevenator) and another great mountain ride with some really fun people that love to go for a ride. Now let's take a peak at the pics and any smart ass comments I may have.
Becky with dry feet after creek crossing at the bottom of GreenTown

Ian and Mike B.

Has anyone seen my Dillyhooha?

Bill Nye says, "Got Ice?"

Mike B. regaining control after Bunny Hopping that log across the trail, mad skill.

Girlfriend, what the hell is so funny? Oh, are you still looking for his Dillyhooha?

Chasing her through the woods trying to get a picture to share.

Skiddaladophy and Mike checking out Harper's Creek Falls


Seriously you guys, has anyone found my Dillyhooha? Fennel, you can laugh, I know you want to.

Dicky, I think I see your Dillyhooha down there

Bill Nye says, "Dammit water only, no ice."

SinkHole Saddle group meeting

Rolling, Fennel on his Spot Beltdrive

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

SinkHole Proper, an old Uranium mine when the Feds needed it to create a new age WMD in the 40's, really.

Bill Nye with a sweet line on SinkHole lower
1 comment:
thats one sweet jacket you gots there!!!!
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