Friday after morning chores and domesticated duties at the house Ms. Arcen and I set out for Ray's Splash Planet for a few hours of water play. We left by bicycle for the Idlewild Park and Ride to catch the first Cats bus for the uptown. It was the first time my 8 year old and I have left Dooleyville on separate bikes, we have been adventuring for awhile on the tandem tag along but watching her sidewalk surf on her own was a whole new thing. We made the Central number 9 and were at the transit center in a jiff. From there we rode along the Lynx Light Rail path to 9th street, then across Tryon to Church into First Ward, then to 10th St and into the big cemetery to that little 5th St extension in front of the elementary school for the traverse to Rays. We made it and very safely I might add. After a couple of hours of swim and fun we headed out along the green way for Frazier park, then up the hill on Greenleaf to the back of the Panthers Stadium and around to the uptown for a vehicle extraction after the munnies settled. It was a good day for both of us and I was very proud at my kids ability to seek alternative transport all the while thinking nothing of it.
Other things happened this weekend as well. I fixed my Montero which has been dead for 8months with what I thought was a blown motor but instead turned out to be a broken 6$ coyle harness wire. My El Mechanico laughed at me and I bet is still sharing the story of the ingnorante gringo with his amigos.
I was able to ride with Andy of Durham from Thanksgiving Day fame early Saturday in the 33 degree chill at Poplar. It was the first time there since the trees have been slaughtered on the front half. I could not believe what it looked like, an LZ from Camp Lejuene is the best descriptive I can muster. I heard that Mr. Andrews is logging a portion to save some tax monies but holy crap it looks ripped.
Oh yea, I spent a some time creating the little video you are about to see, it takes a minute to load but be patient, you will laugh, I PROMISE! The stars of the film are Ms. Arcen, St. Lissa, Danger(one of our 3 dogs) and myself. www.elfyourself.com/?id=9601847107 Turn it up loud Captain~
On the car way home I snapped the picture of the moon trapped behind overhead, America and McYuk. I'm not sure why but I think it is an interesting image.
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