Interesting side note. Late last year I posted about the non fatal blowing up of US General Dorko in the field in Iraq. The most interesting story coming out of that IED attack was that the General was not with military personnel, he was being protected by contracted security form Black Water and Triple Canopy. At that time I had published that NPR and the NY Times reported that the ratio in the War on Terror was 1 civilian contractor to 1 military person. I could not figure that out completely until Dave came back. The night he did I got on the omnipotent Internet and found 77,000 contractor jobs open ranging from mercenaries, to cooks, to firefighters, to medical, to truck drivers, to supply, to logistics...the list goes on. I guess we are out of regular troops(who are less expensive) so we as a nation must sit back, throw money at the problem and act like nothing is really bizarre about the cosmic events of the now. THE RATIO OF MILITARY TO CIVILIAN IS 1 to1.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Renaissance of a Charlotte Bike Courier(wait till you hear what he has been up to)
Interesting side note. Late last year I posted about the non fatal blowing up of US General Dorko in the field in Iraq. The most interesting story coming out of that IED attack was that the General was not with military personnel, he was being protected by contracted security form Black Water and Triple Canopy. At that time I had published that NPR and the NY Times reported that the ratio in the War on Terror was 1 civilian contractor to 1 military person. I could not figure that out completely until Dave came back. The night he did I got on the omnipotent Internet and found 77,000 contractor jobs open ranging from mercenaries, to cooks, to firefighters, to medical, to truck drivers, to supply, to logistics...the list goes on. I guess we are out of regular troops(who are less expensive) so we as a nation must sit back, throw money at the problem and act like nothing is really bizarre about the cosmic events of the now. THE RATIO OF MILITARY TO CIVILIAN IS 1 to1.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Charlotte Uptown Development Report
BOA Corp Center, running the N College project
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
NYC Bike Movers make movie
NYC big city of dreams. I received the above link in an email from my dad last night who thought I may find the film interesting. The vignette is under 5 minutes and when it was over I thought that I should post it here for all y'all to see.
POST SCRIPT: After you click link, scroll up to see film.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
of course if you don't mind a little
customization and moderation...
you have the right to not be hacked
by some global urban wack
A few friends and family have been telling me that me bloggy was not allowing them to post any smart ass comments at all. Then the other day I was hit with some spy ware links that made me realize that if the modern urban hacker can, why then not my friends? I went behind the scenes of me bloggy and found some custom settings that were easy to change making it less likely that the spam will get through and more likely anyone who wants to leave a real message can. You may now leave a message.

Important follow ups to the weekend:
Rich rode the ride on his 29 Thylacine SS at 32 x 17 fixed gear. I cannot stop thinking about the tolerance he has mastered to be able to climb that gear on that mountain. I saw writing on a board in Stockholm once that read Team Dicky is Bonafide, that's a good word for it, what he is I mean.
Erinna Wever did not make the ride with us because she was competing in a 40 mile, that's right 40 mile trail/road foot run from down low in Montreat to the top of Mt Mitchell(highest point east of the Mississippi at 6,684ft above seal level) and back. I think I am more confused by her efforts of the day than Rich's. Both make no sense at all. Congrats to Erinna, she came in 5th!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Lunar Eclipse Image
Hawk or Falcon?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Entrapment Incident: THE FINAL CHAPTER
Brian and I sharing a laugh
Explaining to Brian that it's okay if the Fillmore gets wet, while he explains to me that he never gets to car wash a bike
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Justice will prevail
His car on the other hand as you can see was damaged to the point of not being able to be driven. Preliminary inspection showed that the door was totalled as were door hinge parts on the frame of the car which were crumpled, there was also damage to the front quarter panel. Abdu lost his first 25$ because his fair had to move back to a functioning cab to get to him to the airport. The police showed up first and I recognized the female officer from something amazing that happened in 2001. A few minutes later an official CATS(Charlotte Area Transit System) SUV showed up to do their report and take pictures. The good news for Abdu was that I had already made 20 images of the seen which I will give him today.
The female bus driver was almost mad at Abdu, she was saying that his door was open and that her hitting it was his fault. Contrary to her defensive induced thoughts Abdu's open door had nothing to do with the accident, her speeding, clearly entering his lane and not yielding his right away did. 8 days later Abdu is worried about how the city is going to handle this situation because to date he has not been able to get a report or a clear answer from the city about their responsibility to him and how he earns his livity. Besides the damage to his paid for cab he has accrued extra costs of 50 dollars a day to rent cab 829 so he can try to keep some cash coming in. I feel like the city will take car of his situation, that it is just a matter of time.
The Gold Rush that hit his car
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Langstadt Criterium
The above vignette of me racing Jan Ulrich's distant nephew in the town square of Langstadt Germany was shot the night before Becky and I flew home after the TG. As you can see the entire town showed up for the bike race. Most of them thought it was funny that the American who just finished riding across their fine country could not keep up with the kid around the plaza as they watched me almost smack the rear end of the parked auto. It was not really like a race, it was more like a game of tag which I could not win no matter how hard I tried. The laughter is contagious at times like these with bikes on the cobbles in a small town theater. Thanks for the film RT, it is the funniest one I have seen from our transfer and experience across Germany. Oh wait I have not shown that one from the back seat of the Audi doing 225kmh/hr with a hangover on the autobahn yet.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Willie is crazy and I will see him today
It started as a normal day except for the flat that needed attention as soon as I get my espresso dropped in a ceramic mug of dark coffee which I did promptly at SB on the square. I sat facing south on Tryon on the bench and pulled out the needed toolage for this flat fix. My morning coffee/caffeine injection outside working on the bike, life is good. As I took a sip of the good brown stuff I heard a funny shuffling lightly abrasive rubbing noise coming from behind and moving slowly towards me. It had rhythm or maybe better yet a firm noise pattern. As the sound came along my right side from behind on the sidewalk an unsuspecting woman was crossing the street from my left on her way to the casa de cafe. It seemed that their paths were about to intersect in less than 10 feet and they would have had it not been for what happened next. The shuffle kick noise was Willie, a local agro but theoretically harmless street man who was enjoying a morning game of kick the big dead flat grasshopper down the sidewalk. As Willie kicked the locust like carcass landed next to my right then he stepped up, turned left and faced the woman who was stepping up on the curb which put me in between both of them. All of a sudden I saw Willie look down at the target as he pulled back his leg for the field goal attempt and booted that flattened grasshopper right for the woman's head. The paper thin bug took flight in front of me a few feet off the ground, nose dived then skidded across the pavers where it came to a stop in front of the woman's feet. Clutching her chest she immediately let out a shy girl scream which I would have as well had I had been in her shoes and then she firmly stated, "That scared the hell out of me." Willie stuffed his hands in his pockets, lowered his head and walked away at a double time Willie shuffle pace like nothing amazing had just happened.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Object from the heavens
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Trans Germany reflection
Cracked out in Oberhof may be a more fitting title for this post by the looks on our faces and our happy body language. Sometime earlier we had finished stage 5 in this former ex Communist Alpine Training Center dubbed Oberhof. There were huge facilities for the training of commie athletes in all the winter sport disciplines from ski jumping, to DH skiing, to Cross country skiing and as the stage ended the course had us riding through a portion of single track that led us past a Biathlon shooting range. Dinner was gravy covered potatoes served with a surprise in the center and beer. It was indeed a great night, the evergreen filtered air in east Germany very clean compared to anything here in the eastern USA incuding our own great mountains.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Change is like a turn in direction, it can only be bad if you miss the turn
Fast forward to the now and see what a little collective intelligence can come up with for a contribution to a solution. Collin just helped purchase a 1971 M-35 A2 Deuce and a Half which is presently undergoing a veggie burning conversion with the the help of Forrest, Topher(not the ubiquitous SS mountain cyclist, there is another one) and Paul who drove up to the QC from New Orleans the other day. I had the chance to ride by their South End street side garage yesterday and learn a little something. When this truck is converted in the next couple of days it will be driven down to New Orleans to be loaded on a ship and then sail for Costa Rica. It's final destination is the Osa Peninsula to be the work horse for a major project. Paul, not the one I met today but a Tico who is friends with Collin has some hectares on the peninsula and is presently working the government permitting paper game with officials in Mata Paulo to construct a globally unique self sustainable education facility. They are so smart that they will even be harnessing power from the breakdown of their sewage water which will re enter the environment without harm. The idea is that people will be able to travel from around the world for an educational life experience of this facility on the Osa in exchange for some Colons which will go back into the business end of things. In just over a year from now the truck will be working on the yard moving recycled construction supplies around for the build.
I admire the truth in what these folks are up to because from the truth stems good it seems in all cases. I mean the uncertainty of the future forward is going to be dealt with well by humans like these who will be able to pass on to others the knowledge that change is within their own self against the bigger world which will cause them to rejoice.
Here is the M-35 A2
Collin showing us the fabricated tank bracket and where it will mount
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Major Urban Debris Field(DF)
Monday, February 11, 2008
He is big, the biggest I have ever known.
The weekend was good, I was able to get in two rides. Saturday was some mountain bike time at Sherman Branch and Sunday I broke out the road bike which needed some maintenance before going out for 2 hours. I wound up on some roads I had never been on and even in the strong wind coming out of the south and west I managed to have a good time in the saddle by myself. The only thing that would make me feel better about my road bike right now would be a new saddle which I will be keeping my eye out for.