Observations and Perceptions of a Charlotte Bicycle Messenger
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Header Image
I took the above picture of a piece of clover in early April of 2006 after working on the idea for three weeks. The image came to me as an idea for a birthday gift for St. Lissa who was told over 20 years ago that one day a picture of clover would be in her home. Getting the shot for this one and trying to see through to the final composition wound up taking some time. I started by locating the biggest clover patch I could find which happened to be in our back yard near our corner garden. Then I started with 35mm chrome in my ole trusty Cannon AE-1, for some reason I have this idea in my head that with a fixed 50mm lense and the approriate exposure you can actually bring something this small to the shutter. A few tries and a few rolls of film later and all I had was equalling nothing so I decided to try the medium format 2 and a quarter inch negative Hasselblad 500c with the 80mm lense. I would take it out back trying to be stealthy in the evening and free hand some vertical shots like the above and also some laying down looking at the clover from within. The Hassy also has a 180mm lense and from 10ft up I thought I mighta had something but once again my lack of photography understanding and conceptual practical application left me with nada. Two and a half weeks, 2rolls of 35mm film, 2rolls of 120mm film and collectively I was unable to get through to the compostion I was looking to present as a piece of Clover. Alsas, not to lament the emptiness which is creative failure. With less than a week to go my friend let me borrow a small diggy point and shoot, a Cannon A620powershot which I think was a 6.1 meg camera at the time. The night that I made this image of this piece of clover which was being lit by the low angle of light coming from a setting sun it was one of 33 which I narrowed down to 12. I asked for help from Shawna who happens to be my rookie's wife in the editing and presentation of the image. She and all of her mad skill editted out the slight imperfection(a tiny but distracting brown worm hole) that was on the bottom leaf and cleaned up the shot selected as the one. When she gave it back to me I went to print with it and made this really neat looking 10x14" portrait which gives the clover a bigger than life appearance.
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