Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3 More Pictures from Mitchell Hike

From near the summit of Mt. Craig(6,647ft) looking west towards Tennessee. Just on the back side of Craig looking north towards the Deep Gap. I had made this picture before in the late 1990s with true 35mm black and white film. It was interesting to recognize the dead tree standing somewhat upright in the exact same spot it was over ten years ago.
Ms. Arcen on Tug Rock with North Carolina Turkey Vultures flying high circles in the sky above her head. As soon as I took this picture she looked down at me and said, "Dad, it is so quiet up here." The density of the mountain was apparent as a thick silence of natural origin. I explained to her that the higher you go into the mountains the louder that quiet becomes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Concerning image #2. I have take'n this same photograph also, but it was about 3 years ago! Nice to see the tree still standing as it was in the same state when I took the image.