I did not learn much today other than the Rule 24 hearing that was supposed to happen tomorrow regarding the prosecution's intention to use, or not use the death penalty as punishment for the crime of first degree murder upon a conviction has been postponed until April. Apparently a Rule 24 hearing in State Superior Court, in Mecklenburg only takes place once every month. The date for the April session has not been made public to the best of my knowledge and understanding at this time. As soon as I find out anything else I will be sure to let you know.
Tomorrow I will be giving a 30 minute slide show presentation of my images from Haiti to the MPA's quarterly luncheon meeting. I will be sharing around about 150 images that I made. As well I am prepared to openly discuss the way that experiencing a post earthquake torn Haiti made me feel. My presence will project the need for awareness, and the call to round up some more laptops for the result that is already on the ground and bringing experiences to the few.
It's official, Hackerspace Charlotte, who requests to be shortened to the HSC, like the Humane Society of Charlotte has issued a press release which you can read here. Raquel did a brilliant job of assessing the situation. I like her original letterhead version:
dude, that photo is awesome
-mike r
hola amigo!! espero que estes bien,te seguimos desde la distancia y te enviamos saludos.
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