Map of Jurassic Park Island where the long distance package was delivered to.

Jurgen Kirby stuck in Jurassic Park proudly wearing his Velocity Flair.
Swazey's Crackberry rings with the tone of the U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday in his cottage kitchen while he his reading the New York Times over an Owens Bagel and a cup of fair trade Ethiopian coffee.
Swazey: This is Patrick with Velocity Bicycle Couriers your 24/7, 365 day a year International Courier Logistics Service, how may I help you?
Yurgen: Swazey, Swazey, it's me Yurgen from your summer work exchange program last year!!
Swazey: Jurgen, for God's sake how are you man? Good? Good. I am sorry for not initiating your rescue after you delivered that package last year, I figured that you had been eaten by a T-Rex or stepped on by a Brontosaurus or something. Where the heck yeah are you Yurgen?
Yurgen: I'm still on Jurassic Park Island surrounded by thousands of real life dinosaurs and a huge electric fence that seems to cover the entire island, I cannot find the place I slipped through on the way in.
Swazey: Never mind all the specifics Yurgen, how is that T-Shirt I gave you to wear? I have been sending you text messages every week since you went missing hoping that you were on the cosmic wave some where near Polynesia and could Fed-Ex the Velocity T-Shirt back to me, its rightful and lawful owner. Yurgen, I keep a tight inventory on company supplies you know, can I get my shirt back or do I have to charge you with petty petite theft?
Yurgen: Uhhhhhh, I have been wearing that shirt every day since I took off for Charlestoon, 11 months and 3 weeks ago. Did you not hear me, I am stuck on an island that does not even exist. This place is a T-Total Crack Out and you are telling me about your missing T-Shirt? This Velocity Courier cotton T-Shirt made in nowhere is the only clothing on my back and I am very thankful that the temperature has not dropped below 62F since I have been here.
Swazey: Look Yurgen, do you think I give a rat's ass about the climate and conditions you have been surviving in? I don't, I just want my T-Shirt back and I expect it to be clean.
Yurgen: Whatever Swazey, I will be buried in this shirt.
Swazey: Well, I have enough money to take you to court since that $143,879 check cleared as payment for the delivery you made.
Yurgen: Go ahead, I would relish seeing you in the Mecklenburg County Courthouse and.....(BOOM loud interruption)
At that second a bolt of lightening struck 10 meters from where Yurgen stood and his line goes dead.
Swazey: Yurgen, Yurgen, I heard an explosion, is my T-Shirt Okay? Hello? Are you there Yurgen?
The lightening knocked out power to the fence giving Yurgen a chance to run for the beach which he did at full sprint. Once he broke clear of the electric fencing he realized that he had no where to go but the island's desolate beach. So he climbed back up to the beach side of the fence and when the power came back on he belled me up to explain the situation and see if I could help with an extraction plan. I called Captain Seamus, an old Marine buddy of mine who flies Harrier Jets and as syncro would have it he was aboard the USS Saipan LHA-2. The 24 MEU was running ice cores from Antarctica to Stanford University in Palo Alto on a super secret Global Unwarming project initiated by the Obama administration for Change. His ship was within a 2 hour flight from the north end of Jurassic Park Island where Yurgen would be standing waving the valuable Velocity T-Shirt to signal the LZ for Spartan. As you read this Yurgen has made the relative safety of the USS Saipan where he was greeted to a heroes welcome. By this time next week Yurgen will be in San Fransisco where he plans to settle down and start his memoir on what it was like to deliver the most extraordinary package in the history of Bicycle Couriering.
At that second a bolt of lightening struck 10 meters from where Yurgen stood and his line goes dead.
Swazey: Yurgen, Yurgen, I heard an explosion, is my T-Shirt Okay? Hello? Are you there Yurgen?
The lightening knocked out power to the fence giving Yurgen a chance to run for the beach which he did at full sprint. Once he broke clear of the electric fencing he realized that he had no where to go but the island's desolate beach. So he climbed back up to the beach side of the fence and when the power came back on he belled me up to explain the situation and see if I could help with an extraction plan. I called Captain Seamus, an old Marine buddy of mine who flies Harrier Jets and as syncro would have it he was aboard the USS Saipan LHA-2. The 24 MEU was running ice cores from Antarctica to Stanford University in Palo Alto on a super secret Global Unwarming project initiated by the Obama administration for Change. His ship was within a 2 hour flight from the north end of Jurassic Park Island where Yurgen would be standing waving the valuable Velocity T-Shirt to signal the LZ for Spartan. As you read this Yurgen has made the relative safety of the USS Saipan where he was greeted to a heroes welcome. By this time next week Yurgen will be in San Fransisco where he plans to settle down and start his memoir on what it was like to deliver the most extraordinary package in the history of Bicycle Couriering.
1 comment:
Interesting fact: The Wright brothers were originally from Ohio. In fact, the plane they flew in KittyHawk was designed, built, and assembled in Ohio as well. This has led to controversy, as if you notice the license plates of vehicles from the state of Ohio make the claim that they are the "Birthplace of Aviation" vs. North Carolina's claim that it was "First in Flight." I think I heard once that there was once or now is a law suit between the two states over this claim. I think it's ultimately a fight over tourists dollars, as if the tourists really care. Great pictures though Bill, it really makes me want to grab a friend and load up my Jeep and take a 3 day camping trip out to the coast. I don't have a tent, but, I bet I could pop the hatch on my Jeep Grand Cherokee and use it as a sleeper just the same.
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