Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
If you want to know if I have ever been hit, the answer would be yes.

An interesting side note is that my bike ripped a hole in her tire as seen at the 10o'clock position in the above side view of her flattened tire. Another point of interest is that I still have the Nike swoosh in scar like form, it will be around for awhile because it was sort of a deep wound. Maybe I will have it as a reminder with these pictures for life.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
C-Span 2 Report

Monday, November 26, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving Part 2-Death of a Squirrel

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Part 1

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The SE/BM 29'er lives!!!
When I came back with an empty bike box from the Trans Germany where I finally destroyed the Spicer, Smoke at the Ultimate side of http://www.singlespeeds.com/ did the most amazing thing ever. I never expressed a concern for need but he took charge and gave me the SE/BM Fabrications SS rigid 29'er fully built. The day he called me to set me up I was not really thinking like okay, an entire bike may be coming my way, what for? At any rate he did it, he presented me the bike without exchange of in God we trust units and I was proud to have it, ride it, change it a little and ride it some more. Thanks Smoke!
When http://www.teamdicky.com/ gave me the Mt Zion one of the dilemas was what to do with the SE/BM. My Friend Shannon of Rochester who I had been riding with a few times during the last 2 years has been on a clunky, old, dirty, heavy, sloppy and squishy 26 inch Fischer Sugar POS with all the crappy occasionally working gears that sounded like a Vegas slot room gone bad in the woods. The last time I was at Uwharrie she rode the SE for a bit and felt the difference which was apparent by a grin ear to ear. She was the perfect candidate for the passing of the SS 29'er torch so last night we built it up and it is hers to love.
The build took a little longer than I planned and for some reason I was having trouble concentrating on the beer she brought because of a few small PIA(I don't mean Pakistani International Airlines) problems. The first problem was I had to space out her drive side bottom bracket cup because I did not realize that there was a difference between the Sugar and the SE, just wasn't thinking. Those spacers were finally found in the pile on my work bench in the barn. The next problem was that I put the chain ring and bash guard flush together without spacing then mounted the cranks until I figured out my lack of beer induced mistake. Okay all that straightened out the rest went smooth, tires mounted, grips installed with glue, brakes adjusted, seat height fixed, and out the barn door she went, a changed rider for ever, for the rest of her days.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
More Catawba images(click to make big)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Local Adventure
So I rooked Jesse 'Dude' Hooks inventor of the "Not Right Ride" and Jordy "SSWC06 Cyclo-cross Champ" Moore into the ride which was set to head out North along the river from the US National White Water center(formally the Catawba River Mountain Bike Park) at 0830hrs yesterday. I woke up just before 0600hrs, dressed, had some oats and coffee after I fed the mules and got the kid started by casting off her latest knitting project. Out the door by 0700hrs for a scoop by dude at 0745 from the Rue de Grit 7 miles to my almost immediate west. I was one minute early and he was one minute late, we loaded up my bike and were at the trail head on schedule. Jordy showed up and after a few minute pre ride we were off, descending a small hill through the woods down to the flat water put in along the river. At the waters edge we turned north for the journey to Mt. Holly which was our northern most goal or at least where we knew there would be a bridge. Not long up river the surface changed into tree strewn endless hurdles that caused me to realize this could be the worst idea ever. We were off the bike, on the bike and off the bike some more pushing over debris. At one juncture a never seen before rock outcrop appeared where we stopped and made a gear adjustment as we weighed our options for continuing. Just past our position was an impassable semi wide tributary running inland east, so we decided to bush whack up to the main bike trail and get to the center where we could go north on power line trail. That power line trail took us to Moores Chapel Road and north to a train track running west past Clariant where they make Coca Cola plastic 2 liter bottles. Jesse led out on the tracks with Jordy and I in tow, it was slightly bizarre riding my mountain bike down these tracks towards Mt Hollywood. In a short time we made it to a train tress over the mighty drought effected Catawba that was built in 1917 by a firm from Richmond. We collectively really wanted to cross this steel and wood bridge but the no trespassing signage caused us to consider a Sunday in custody somewhere in Gaston county. Seeing I'm old and scared of authority, we back tracked a little and dove off onto the Hwy 27 bridge and across the river into Mt Holly where somehow Dude found eggs, bacon, hash browns and flap jacks. Jordy and I dined on coffee while we discussed our options for our SS mountain bike ride from the west side of the river. The vote was official, we would head south along the river until we got to I-85, either go under or over it, then continue down to Hwy 74, go back over the river east, then head north back into the mountain bike park at Heavy Equipment Rd, ride the Toilet Bowl Loop, then Single track back to the car.
We left the Mt. Hollywood diner and twisted down towards the western side of the river through the Cape Fear neighborhood and to a man working on his Flowers race car. He was very helpful and told us a way to get to the waters edge through a Soviet Power Station like area. We made good going along the river for a few miles on a wide wooded path, at times we dropped right down along the water when the surface was clear. At one point we passed a tent that looked recently occupied and shortly there after hit a tributary coming in from our west that caused us to go inland and back out to the edge of the water. It was then that Jordy discovered the skeleton of something huge, fish like and smelly. I had never seen anything like it. After pictures of the scientific find we took off and went west up a hill and then another to a road that led us over I-85 and down to 74 for our left hand turn and back across the river. On Hwy 74 we passed a man on a bike with way worse technique than we had, then he passed us when we stopped to fix the only mechanical of the day, thanks to Dude's flat. No biggy, ten minutes and a shot of whisky did us good. Over the river and now north towards the Heavy equipment Rd. and the Toilet Bowl loop. We rolled into the park and were back at our starting point by 1300hrs.
Even though it was not a great idea by any means it was still sort of an interesting ride that I learned first hand what the Catawba looks like in our region. Without rain the river is in trouble, you can see it and it coming in the forward future which will have a direct impact on our livity here in Charlotte very soon at the present rate.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday Chess Tournee
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday night ride.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ilan's best idea ever

When I arrived 10 were there milling about and making final readiness for the days journey. We took off within 5 minutes of our target and picked up two more riders within about 7 miles making the dirty dozen accounted for. Around 20 miles in, still in darkness the two fast pros took off the front. I remember asking Ilan in my best Phil Ligget voice, "Will Fehr or Paltrow go after the two lads?" I know, I know, calm down BIll enjoy the ride it is going to be a long day. Those two off the front were never seen again, they were really fast. The sun came up and things were fine at around 22mph in this group of ten as we approached Heath Springs SC. in the grey sky. All of a sudden at a train track crossing Drew went down hard, Dave went left to avoid his mess and went down, then another Bill stacked into him and went over the bars. All of this happened in flight in front of Mike Perry and I who split the carnage to the left at the end of the line. My first thought was, "Whew, I did not go down!" Then I realized riders were down and we still had a ways to go. There was a broken wheel and road rash major for young Drew which took him out of the ride and waiting for spousal extraction to the QC. Bill and Dave recovered and continued on.
Ilan's routing for this ride was perfect, I do not think we missed a turn at all. At mid day we stopped for lunch at Santee and assessed what was left. It seems like a time warp even looking back on it now but as the sun was setting we approached the bridges in the low country near the coast.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This ORAMM win is
brought to you by Team Dicky, Twin Six clothing and my new Zion/custom. I shot this grainy little vignette this July as Rich was off of Kitzuma and on that road section into Old Fort for his speedy SS win of the Off Road Assault on Mt Mitchell. It was fun trying to film that fast fellow even though I had the camera on the wrong pixel(way to small) setting which made the film less useful. I followed him in to town and about 1.5 miles from the finish he pitched the contents of his water bottles to lighten the load. Dicky was first SS Rigid and 9th place overall. It was hilarious to hear the announcer call in everyone else after him in the top 30. "Great job in tenth place comes so and so, but you were beaten by Rich Dillen on a single speed!"
Monday, November 12, 2007
I was the pawn, he was the knight

Friday, November 9, 2007
Speaking if Euro Nate....