on the commute yesterday i stopped and made this picture of the highest gas price i had yet seen posted. the gas station is on central at morningside and it sits sort of on a hill. while this was happening here in the jar on the other side of the world iran(ee-rahn) was testing mid and long range missiles, at least one as reported by NPR was shot over the
strait of hormuz. i learned from my
experience in the dress rehearsal for the shit stain we call now that roughly 50% of the the world's oil goes through the strait for delivery every day.
Interestingly enough, several years ago, back when gas was under $2 per/gal, I heard a preacher predict that it would not be long before his listeners would be forced to ride to work on their bikes.
well, heck yes, jack those prices if you will. $5, $7, the higher the better. get all us addicted amerikans to face up through the fear veil
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