7/03/98 to 7/03/08
today was the day 10 years ago when tony fusco who i had only met the day before called me early on the phone. it was the friday before the weekend holiday and oom bop(the one on the left middle or right, i can't remember) his teenage heart throb rookie had taken an Odell package home with him the night before and he was late, hence fired. tony and his semi wife, the curvaceous dark skinned and lovely peruvian pilar owned the priority one or P1 and said that i would be super man if i made it in for the morning dispatch. i told them over the tele that they could count on me, then i got dressed loaded up the black jeep and drove in from the shitty transfer apartment that st. lissa and i were living in at the time. after some short reintroductions it was one, renegade style. my first paying job, my new source of livity since cutting away all the financial success of the corporate ties that had bound me for most of the previous decade. now i will make nothing, a small fraction of the previous however i will gain a life time of knowledge and meet some of the most amazing humans on the planet because of it. it was my destiny to be there in that spot to get the call up from the pen, it had been written already that i sit here and recount the history.
that day out on the mean streets of the jar were only a select few, around 6 other bicycle couriers. holt, dicky, marcus, thomas cook, kevin p and the infamous euro nate is all i can really remember from that day. the job was relatively simple and easy to understand. P1 had 14 clients, the clients would call in to pilar at the office with the job, pilar then called the job in to me, i would pick up, deliver the job then call in to pilar that it was complete. my training was self initiated and within 2 hours i had figured out the mechanics of what was going on. i went in to that weekend changed by the fact that without plan i had stumbled across one of the most amazing forward thinking jobs on the planet.
time flies: since that day until and through the now so many great things have happened. i was able to leave P1 after less than a year to start a partnership business with ilan p in an effort to establish the friendliest courier business in town. that was a fun 3 year roll before it was transferred to holt in a business style agreement that keeps some rookies paid even today. had i been more assertive in my quest for the mighty dollar that entity might still be here today paying my way through life while others worked as is the path of most business owners. the problem is as nice as it sounds business ownership turns in to a different type of chase for the elusive non african continent related 4 million. long hours on the phone, federal and state taxes are due for like the 4th time each, clients get picky with special requests straight down to the way they are invoiced, liabilities all of this comes in the name of the ego that says business ownership means you are a success. well i never was a success and i never plan to be one so i sold out to holt and thought i left forever in the summer of 01.
enter nova the birth of a star where i have been gainfully employed for the past almost 7 years. the owner is jason ryan who had been using my services for his grass roots service based company for the previous 3 years. Jason belled me up shortly after i left the uptown to see how retirement was treating me. he explained that my personal traits and work ethics were missed by the client and that if i ever wanted to come back he could help me figure out the way. like most things that were meant to be this was so we spent the following few months of my retirement working out the details on the new. i don't think i really wanted to come back at that point but i knew it was already written and that i had to.
there is the history...which is exactly what it is, the past that can never be brought to the now for the now is the magical instant happening before us. i want some of that old vodoo back, those minutes of refreshing discovery of the new way to geloof. of touching it's face, realizing that the livity resources we as humans have is great and infinite. do you have scissors i can borrow?- a simple question that has changed the direction of my life and the way i see the world, the goodness in it as well as the bad. bus on the left, parked truck on the right, pedestrian stepping off jay walking between the 2, black man yells that he is my brother in law, it is not a crime to flick some water out of your bottle on to a person who is smiling about it, jesus i have been hit, im bleeding, that one was close my heart rate is out of control based on that closeness and the mass involved, why were they not seeing me, what was their rush, they are trapped by the light ahead, look, visualize stop, pray, cry, run, face it you have power, love and emotions, truth cannot be denied or suppressed, see the other plane right in front of your face, do not be scared of or miss it, stop wearing the material transfer of product and ego on your sleeve, love, think, do not deny, sweat, tear and run some more with the bike attached to your feet and hands for it is real.
happy anniversary to me....i can never forget all of those out there that i have come to know because of this decade long ex corp transfer that has given me the instant before me.
thank you.
Happy Anniv Big B!!!!!!!!
Happy anniversary!
gee thanks guys....
Here's to your independence
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