Ms. Arcen goes down in ball of flames on last night's Dooleyville adventure PT ride. As you can see from this photographic evidence the kid was making a right hand turn way too fast. I watched from behind in calm disbelief as she braked hard and then broke traction causing the rear wheel to come around broad side on her left slamming to a stop on the little lip at the edge of the road. When the bike stopped she launched and wound up in a similar position that you see her re-enacting below. The top of her exploded helmet is at her feet and the rest of it minus a plum sized chunk is still on her head.

I rode around the crumpled mess, dismounted and came to her side. For a second she seemed quiet, her eyes wide open. Then she spoke in a soft cry, "Dad, I hit my head then I saw the light." "I know Sweet, other than seeing the light are you okay?", I replied. Sobbing like only a kid who had just had their first big wheel crash could she said, "Yes, my head hurts but I will be fine."
Ms. Arcen standing at edge of skid mark displaying her broken helmet and the stink eye.

After a few minutes of getting ourselves together we went to roll out but were stymied by a totalled rear wheel that dove into the chain guard. I bent parts a bit but not quite enough so we pushed awhile and chatted about the crash and everything that had happened along the ride right before it went down. You should all know that as of this morning she is a little sore in the neck but she is recovering quite well. No other injuries to report.
Back to the Bloycott tomorrow......
karsen! nice reenactment of a wonderful experience! glad you made it out in one piece and more alive than you were before you took that turn in the road. happy birthday!
Good stuff B'lly. Glad she is OK although she seems to be pretty tough. WHY ISN'T SHE WEARING TENNY PUMPS??? Those toes coulda been shredded boss man
word verification: flumic
Jordy-I will pass the word.
GJR-Dude I totally hear what you are saying but I have 2 challenges to that issue being resolved. One, I cannot get her 3rd gen Chacos off of her feet. She loves them, has for 4 years now. They are her go to daily all year round, her teachers think we are crazier than she is. She says the Chaco is the only shoe for her entire life.
Two, I was wearing my Shimano sandals on that ride like I do just about every ridden work day unless it is gonna be below 30F. So with that said I would be trying to force her not to do something that I do every day which would make me feel like an ass. I do understand and appreciate your words none the less. Just know that it is like my old man used to say, "If you plant potatoes, you're gonna get potatoes."
The other thing I should consider now that you brought it to my attention is that maybe I should use the crash as an example to ask her to think about riding with her toe covered TENNY GO FASTERS which she does have for gym class on Tuesdays. Then I would set the example by slapping on the Sidis and all would be good. See this whole parenting thing is a learn as you go deal. Up until the big wheel transfer not too long ago she never went down and touched the floor, good control skills. Now the anty has been upped with the faster 26" revolution so I suppose I need to think about the implications. Thanks man, you are right and gonna be a great dad one day!
Hey Billy,
My wife, nurse in training you know, reminded me that 'the flash' is baaaaad. Let that kids brain rest for a day or two.... mmmkay? Just like injured muscles the brain needs rest. No spelling/math quizzes tonight....
E & E,
Thanks for that advice which would explain something small that I noticed that same night....
Bill those pictures are great! sorry for her misfortune, but couldn't help but laugh! glad she's ok!
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