In the last week I have rolled upon the immediate aftermath of two different car crashes. I was riding in Monday morning when I spotted this auto carnage at Central and Reddman.
Some of you who had been listed as one of My Little Friends and other Strong humans have been dropped like a hot potato for not updating since the Bush Administration. I just felt like you were cluttering up active space with your lack of activity. Do not be offended for I still consider you a friend/other strong human and if you ever get your act back together and start updating again feel free to contact me and in the words of Sara Palin your next President, "I will putcha right back up there." Get to work lackeys, find some direction with your bloggorial efforts! Once I see a productive pattern I will hook you up.
i just found your blog through ultimate cycles website, i like it allot. i just moved from nyc, 10 veteran courier, do you work for a company or are you independent? i hope this isnt to intrusive i was just wondering.
Awesome. It is amazing how some people come up with cool blogs. it's great to see fresh, creative ideas that have never been done before.
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