Josh and I sitting at HC(16,500ft) on Orizaba, those clouds are about 7,500ft below us and then under them is the jungle that we cannot see as it meanders down to the Caribbean at Veracruz 70 miles away. Where we sit the O2 is exactly half of what it is at sea level, however because of the no O3 factor it feels tons easier to breath than it did in Charlotte NC yesterday. The conversion is just slower not poisoned which the body adapts to in 24hr increments.

Same View giving wider angle and visual perception that the earth and atmosphere are actually curved, no kidding.

A reverse angel showing El Sarcofago(the tomb) at about 1,000ft above us in the back drop. Just to the left is a draw then the rise up the De Jampa Glacier to Orizaba's summit just out of view to the lefty.

Me at 15,000ft moving last bit of things up towards HC. The climber behind is from Scotland and was reconnoitering his route to the Lava Flow just past HC.

All this bad air here in the Jar with the lid on tightly has had me thinking about the places I have been where the landscape is above the atmospheric haze. Central Mexico, in the southern state of Puebla is one of those places. The above images were taken by Alan Picard on my third and last trip to this fantastic place on earth. Even though the land we were moving on is so high up that O2 is depleted and the body must acclimatize starting down low a few days before at 10,500 in the evergreen tree line there was no ozone code anything.
billy, hittin ya up from buxton beach, nc, where the aqi seems to be in a yellow tone: that simply from the industrial pollution running down the shore BAMA. this is quite amazing however... the obx of my minds eye has slightly come true... the Oregon inlet and the bodie nature preserve are both 17-20miles stretches of beach that have not a thing on them besides the nature that might have right too??? not sure, the jurys still out on that one... air slightly better though than the NagsHead KittyHawk KillMyselfHills putt-putt shitstain...... etc etc... my own mother described a moment we were in as containing "these fat, angry people." see ma, im not off my rocker... ill enjoy this life is good for a little longer now before i drive back across a bridge and get into the sprawl that will not stop until south dakota... you know north americas largest hog farm is out here this-a-way? yep, 30,000 slaughters a day! north america must be really needing more bacon fat, eh? im going drinking. - jordy of temporarily Dare.
Billy- the pics of course coincide with me getting my hands on Dead Lucky and what timing!! I've never fancied myself a mountain climber, but a trip to the east sounds beautifully appealing.... and your pics are matching the lovely images I've been creating in my mind while reading the DL
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