Meet Pemba, the 2 year old pit bull and future trail hund who smiles with her entire body. Two weeks ago this fascinating love lush found St. Lissa on her run home from the bus and walked up on our porch like she owned the joint. Pemba never really left and our pack of three existing(all of which are previous rescues) welcomed her in for a fostering situation completely. Pemba is a high energy, family orientated, kid friendly, perimeter protective, pre-Roman Empire, black felt feeling fur breed with individual markings including white feet, a white paint dipped tail and this weird side tilted kite looking white blaze on her neck. With the grace of being accepted into the HALO program we have had her spayed, vaccinated and given the all around good to go medical style. We are fully prepared to foster Pemba until we place her in a good home and with people who will see the light in this ones eye but we need your help. If you know anyone who may be interested in taking Pemba into safe environment please contact me right away. As a further favor would you please take the time to email link this wondy pet out to those you communicate with. Thank You Very Much and please ride safely,
Down Bee Hive yesterday
This weekend was fairly productive starting Saturday with getting Pemba registered for adoption with Project Halo at a Dog adoption fair at the US White Water Center formally Catawba Mountain Bike Park. The rest of the day was spent with small domesticated projects at the house. A high light to Saturday was an intense game of chess that Ms. Arcen and I stalemated on.
Sunday I left the house early to catch the 12 Dollar round trip Dicky Train to Wilsons Creek recreation area on the eastern edge of the Pisgah. We were riding up from down below the dirt mounds before 0900hrs for the climb up 181. Three quarters up to Greentown we jumped into the descending Headley for a fun little early Single Track section. At the end we met up with Rob, Rob and Blair who we joined for the 181 climb again up to Gingercake then Raspberry. The descent was fun there is no real steep just rolling fun. Up towards Greentown then more fun descending a bit steeper and a bit more methodical with this fixeg gear interim solution to new wheels on the way. We crossed the lower creek which was cold and the water was up making for an intensely alive feeling on my legs below the knee. Rich and I said so long to Rob, Rob and Blair after the creek and climbed out to go right for Bee Hive. When we entered Bee Hive I felt great, in control of my ride and machine going downward in the mountains. Fixy seems to work well with the knobs in the woods until it gets ass off the back steep then nothing is real and there is nothing to get hung about. On one of the lower steeps a hundred yards from the end I felt the rear wheel coming off the ground, front assist brake only caused the wheel to raise even higher. At that point I had no idea what to do or what was going to be next. Next was a crash over the bars and into the sloping rocky terrain on my bad shoulder....ugghh. I had a quick painful feeling that turned to nausea that lodged in my brain for an hour or so then went away. It was a great day and I was home around 1600hrs to help contribute to a delicious family meal with 4 hours of daylight to spare.
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