Tuesday, September 30, 2008
No Gas Slide Show
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Last Mountain Ride Before the End/Late Photo Addition
Other than the arachnoid challenges the trail was in near perfect condition. A little Wet and tacky but not saturated at all.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Martial Law on Monroe Rd, Tears on 3rd St. PLUS Silver Lining
Later in the day in the buildings chit chat on the elevator related to the liquid not around, nervous eyes behind the bank. Mail dropped at 5:30 and I must ride out to Ultimate in Mathews to replenish my dwindling tube and lube stock. Gray skies, dark already, light rain on my face up 7th which turns to Monroe Rd like 3rd does to Providence. Down the hill, up past Lupie's and then I saw it at Briar Creek on the left. Martial Law. Hired/Contract(Black and White Cars with some crazy looking badge insignia painted on the door) police intermixed with Charlotte's finest municipal cops had the On The Run Gas and Convenience Store Completely surrounded. Lights flashing, bull horns, guns, reflective vests over the real bullet proof ones, tension. Cars were trying to get on the property that had nothing in the ground or air for them to buy and the law had stepped in to protect and serve by not allowing any cars onto the store grounds. Cars did not act as if they knew what to do next, confusion on top of irrational thoughts compounded by not being free. Once again I rolled by with little effort taking it all in.
There is a Silver Lining to this story, I made the side Bar on the Hawley Blog! I noticed earlier in the week that my blog had been added under People We Like But Pretend We Don't So They Don't Ask Us for Favors. I read The Hawley Blog regularly and usually get a laugh, a jolt, brain itch or any other human emotion that it may pull out. The HB is just as funny as Dicky's without all the me, me, me talk and adolescent sexual references. Thanks GJR I will die one day at peace knowing that I'm on your side bar!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Cheapest Price in Town, Again!
Late afternoon, eastward commute and there is NO gas at all of them. The one from this morning that had it was now out and looks so much more still and less aggressive, inert, an energy crisis for sure starting with individual human energy. The manager did not want to answer my questions, he seemed scared of me and slightly tweaked. He did not like me taking pictures either. I left after telling the clerk who was selling nothing to get out of here back to his home nation quickly, it is the only chance he has.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
After the Fire, the Fire Still Burns
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Zion Rebuild/Not Too Half Assed
Friday, September 19, 2008
I've got your Tinker and Raise you 1 Sonica Foster
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Report From The Field
here are his words from yesterday:
J'adore le odor de NAPALM c'est le matain! AHHHH OOUUUIII! FIRE EM UP BOYS, more ranch needed. Repeat, losing ranch flow, NEED MORE RANCH. billy, your readers need to know that while they pay 5+ in the jar pasadena is rolling round @ 3.40, but they have to live with the refineries looking like looming empires off in the flat distance, gotham's they are with no hospitality no energy to speak of. marshall law means that you must let your engine idle for 3 hours while waiting for some burger king burger, King. im talking drive thru lines with engine idle as engines idle and fake food fone calls made from engine idle. copy, billy? you think the readership ship follows? billy, what i didnt tell you about my level of crackoutedness last night was that the lady with the death make up on and the missing front tooth, remember, yeah... i just wanted to lean across the front desk of the hotel lobby and press my living lips to hers and hold that under the burring groan of the diesel that REALLY is keeping the life is good/ranch dressing is good going. which really was 19,000 light years away from her eyes. see areyouonmath.blogspot.com later today for updates
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Shop Road Ride, Ultimate Mathews
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Cheapest Price In Town
For those of you unaware I was down yonder in the Houston, Beaumont Texas areas working Disaster Assessment for the American Red Cross in 2005, 24hrs after Hurricane Rite hit over Sabine Pass Texas. What a learning journey that was, as a matter of fact I had so many educational discoveries during that 15 day experience that my life was indeed theoretically changed for ever. As "the story" is being reported by the National Media on this latest Hurricane I keep in mind as should you that they are not really giving us all of the information. One of the biggest lessons I learned from taking part in America was that what I was seeing and experiencing on the ground during the aftermath of the storm was quite different than what ABC News and the all of the so called news networks were pumping into the houses of the rest of America and the world. The truth is people are down there right now and are in extraordinary need for the basics which we take for granted here, like ice cubes in our lunch time beverage served in the latest styro fate of a nation. I remember seeing cases where within 10 days after the storm people were holding down their powerless homes where the inside temp was over 110 degrees. I also remember what those refineries where 25% of our domestic gas/oil production takes place looked like off line, under water and without power. Bizarre, really bizarre is a nation needing what comes deep from the earth and cannot be provided due to a natural event ripping through with high winds and a swelling ocean.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Mike Mooney Energy Lesson with Record Tall Bike Attempt
Here is a film clip life lesson of Mike Mooney's record breaking attempt to ride on the tallest bike ever ridden that my litttle buddy sent me. I met Senor Mooney once a long time ago and perhaps another more recently at the bike love party in Asheville this past February. The first time was way more interesting for round about the fall of 00 some friends and I had just finished a ride down the backside of Kitsuma trail and were on our way back up the old dirt state road when I recall some strange guy with his name(Mike Mooney) in cursive black die cut sticker on his bike frame came up behind us on the climb like it was nothing, perhaps at one point he was even bouncing on his rear wheel up the hill while I was pedalling. At the top of the climb back in the parking lot Jeff(The same Jeff who had just built the MotherShip) was grimacing because he was having stomach discomfort which stemmed from the 2 finger knuckle sized herniation that was trying to break out of his stomach wall as if it desired Oxygen. Sounds super comfy, right? The Sight of this cramping knob turned most of our heads but Mike Mooney with his name on his top tube knew exactly what to do. He asked Jeff a few questions about the protrusion's location, size, how long he had had it and then he asked Jeff to describe what he was feeling all the while he held the palm of Jeff's hand open and applied certain definite pressures. It was only the second time I had been witness to the application of energy healing which for those of you not in the loop is a medicine that dates back 10,000 years and has origins in the Peruvian jungle and mountain areas. I have visual memories of this scene, the sun was low setting lighting azure to lavender, fire pink skies that were clearly over our heads and surrounding our views. Jeff Lived, cured by the hand to hand transfer of energy.
Then I watch this film and realize that with open Chakras if you look real closely at the very beginning of the film you can actually see Mike's energy field. Watch closely as the crowd participates with a crescendo of soul voice mouth and a touch of their awareness that his head is over 40ft off of the ground and you will then experience full energy transfer as you connect not only with Mike Mooney but the spirits that are helping him propel himself in the actual real. Amazing. Thanks Mike, your transference of power has helped me out of the pit I found myself in and was trying to get out of. Ride on....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I got your Change, it's worth
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Fast with Comparison and Contrast
Page A10 provides me with the opposite understanding of my problems with my kid being in Code Orange Lock Down, right there tucked in between a story above about the death toll in Cuba thus far from Hurricane Ike and below something about Thailand's Television and control of people was a story about a US attack on a Taliban Compound within the boundary of Pakistan that killed 23 including 8 children. This story written by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah sheds much light once again that American workers' Federal Taxes are sparing no awareness of consequences in bringing democracy around the globe. Children. I want to know more but at the same time I prolly cannot handle the complete top secret and higher level of truth that we are all Okay with from the view of the comfort we have been fighting for. Survival instincts run amok and transfer to instincts of surviving not based on existence but comfort and excess which must be what we are distracted by because if we weren't the talk in the elevators would not be about The Patriot Brady's poor 4million dollar leg injury, it would be more somber and real addressing the death of innocent kids, their only crime being born time zones away, not here where we have Toby Keith and the land that we love to put sprawl on so that we can have yet more to distract us from where our dollars are going and who is doing what with them.
Ton of Questions:
Did any of the parents of the 8 children that were killed survive the speed of light explosion from the sky that was built and assembled perhaps in Indiana or some other place in America that they cannot even imagine because they have only seen this country in a tele port, not with their own eyes? Pakistan is very far away, 24 hours by flight if you get some good connections, air time I mean in the aluminum tube. What are their thoughts towards what is at the Quanta of the premature deaths of their own Biological Rerepresentation? I mean if I were here in the Jar and Pakistan was a shit ton fatter than it is right now and one of their missiles were by a series of commands fired from Islamabad exploding into my child after being launched from technology provided by data collected from an un-manned drone flown by some doosh at the other end of the joy stick killing my kid separated from me and I survived I think I would want to know that I did everything to disrupt not only that doosh's life and the life of the command center but everyone else in Pakistan who sat back getting more while their leaders told them to be scared of the Americans, they are dangerous. Are more enemies being created right now instead of building bridges? Have you ever stepped in Pakistan? They are human you know.
I would want to tell them that I am sorry that I have no control, that I cannot change it unless I leave for Scandahoovia or any other non NATO country where I could honestly say I were free and that my leaders were not down with blowing up your kids. Someone keeps telling me with almost this ignorant glee, "Well, if that is your attitude how do you expect it to change?" Pretty funny, I suppose and lack of wit your forte as well so go be a do gooder, go to church they know what's up, think nothing of your individual identity which you are not aware of it's power there for you can never be free or the home of the brave. For Braveness is in the abstract of cool even the antithesis of it, understand chase the 4million and in the end you will never see the collective conscious level that can actually provide the change that the Democratic ticket promises but will never deliver.
I would try to explain why I am sorry as well, not only for helping pay for the technology and the TV guided missile that killed their child but the bigger connection. The connection of my personal self stewing in a brew of life is good. Hell, living in the Jar I feel the entropy of the source of L.I.G. on the daily and for my eyes to witness the absolute calm of a nation faced with tragedy. How are you? Good? Good! Great. I am so sorry and I hope that your connection to your spirituality and God whomever it maybe whether he or she died on the cross or dipped below the horizon 10,000 years ago is saving your sanity. For I know you could deal so much better with your kid in CODE Orange lock Down here in the Jar than I could being in the mountains where you are dealing with my dead kid, an end result of weapons of mass destruction sent by the land of the free.