Saturday morning I had to be a bit south of town early to get some old film that I helped make a year and a half ago. On the way back through the big buildings the sky started changing very rapidly from solid colors on one side of the sky to darkness and contrast on the other western side. I took the above images from 13 blocks North and 8 blocks East of the downtown at around 1025hrs. The top picture shows an advanced line of atmospheric anger billowing upwards into the sky emanating from the base of the horizon where Bank Of America's two major towers sit in dark contrast to a dark sky as if the buildings were responsible for the turbulence. The sky is in the middle and the bottom photo is what I saw when I looked 90degrees left of my position from the first picture. This image has significant qualities as well starting with the portrayal of where the two lines met, calm skies being overtaken by the more powerful and sinister darkness of the now. If you notice the other significant piece of the bottom image is the crucifix topped church steeple in the lower right corner dark against light with no where to hide from the rapidly approaching storm.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Atmospheric, Economic and Global turbulence
Saturday morning I had to be a bit south of town early to get some old film that I helped make a year and a half ago. On the way back through the big buildings the sky started changing very rapidly from solid colors on one side of the sky to darkness and contrast on the other western side. I took the above images from 13 blocks North and 8 blocks East of the downtown at around 1025hrs. The top picture shows an advanced line of atmospheric anger billowing upwards into the sky emanating from the base of the horizon where Bank Of America's two major towers sit in dark contrast to a dark sky as if the buildings were responsible for the turbulence. The sky is in the middle and the bottom photo is what I saw when I looked 90degrees left of my position from the first picture. This image has significant qualities as well starting with the portrayal of where the two lines met, calm skies being overtaken by the more powerful and sinister darkness of the now. If you notice the other significant piece of the bottom image is the crucifix topped church steeple in the lower right corner dark against light with no where to hide from the rapidly approaching storm.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm out, no wait I'm in
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Starring in order of appearance: Jordy, me, Dejay Birch, some random SSWC06 racers and Niko the Finn who killed a bear a long while ago. He was not telling a story at the Buck Head Saloon, he really did kill a bear with his hands and an arrow because he had to or his family was going to be hurt while they were picking Lingdenberries. This edit will take you from the southern parts of Sweden near and around it's capital of 1.5million in Stockholm to points 1,250km north into Jokkmokk and the territory above the arctic circle.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Rondal Lineberger, this is all your fault
Monday, March 24, 2008
Over Mountain Victory Trail with historical significance and the ghosts of Revolutionary Soldiers
It was good to see my ole friend Mike Swanson on this day, he was on his new 29'er TI Bike. Swanny and I first rode together at Poplar Tent in 1993 when I was following Rondal around from trail to trail on his former ex girlfriend Julie's Nishiti, that's right Nishiti. Swanny knew the Over-Mountain Victory Trail which holds Revolutionary historical significance and these really cool 30ft berm sections both up and down the mountain. Our 3hour adventure included tunneling, exquisite fat single track up and down, pine trees, clear water, laughter, clouds against an azure sky, an out of control knee skinning disaster after the clip of a fixed gear driven pedal and a few narrow shallow creek crossings. This was an out and back style trail with a slightly different and longer leg on the return part, the total mileage for this part of our ride was around16. On one of the descents my drive side pedal hit something I never saw and pole vaulted me and the bike off the front. It happened so fast that it was over before it started ending with a forward knee rub into the hard packed earth. No blood, no foul, oh wait there was blood on my right knee and this is not basketball. That crash was a reminder that fixed gear on a mountain bike can never be assumed the normal reaction to impediments on the trail as if I were to have been coasting. What a great ride indeed, thanks Swanny for showing us something so fast, fun and new.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Header Image

A few weeks later I made the first print of the image at 12" x 12", toned with digital Sepia in the electronic dark room. I masking taped it up on a wall in the house and lived around it for a few weeks before I decided to make another print of it slightly bigger at 12" x 14", mount it on a non acidic white board with 2" border and present it to the subject in a manner that would not appear as if I were stalking one of the main players responsible for the present economic vitality of the Charlotte region. The day I brought this mounted image up to the Jar I sat in front of the Corporate Center and wrote a little explanation on a card that pictures Mahatma Gandhi wearing a sheet around his waist writing on a tablet, above him were his own words, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind." As it happens a week before I purposely picked out this card the Israeli Army had just leveled Beirut in an effort to destroy any life that gets in the way of their plan to rid the world of Hezbollah. Just then my friend Aundrea walked up said, "Hello" and asked me about the picture on the board. I told her what it was and why it was here and she said that she personally knew Mr. McColl's CFO(for you SS mountain bikers out there CFO means Chief Financial Officer) who could surely get it to him. She made the call and Kathy came down to the street smiling saying something like she had never seen such a picture of her boss. I thanked the both of them for answering my telepathic call and rode away.
A few weeks later I received a personal thank you letter from Mr. McColl in where he describes what he sees in this photograph. On his cursory examination he sees through the light to a picture of what retirement means to him: healthy lunch by one's self, glass of red wine, sudoku to stimulate the mind. As an added note he mentioned that he appeared older to himself than what he had imagined. Incidentally he remarked that he liked the card and perhaps we should send it to both the Israelis and Hezbollah, he got it. The nicest thing to me about the letter was that he mentioned that he planned to give the big picture to his wife for her 68th Birthday.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mr. Rohloff and Me
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Charlotte's own Uber Commuter takes the Silkroad
Meet Bill Clay Charlotte's Uber Commuter and his bad ass Silkroad(when you see a differently colored word in my blog it will be a link to somewhere from this day hence forth)that he purchased in Freiberg while on a 10 day tandem bike tour with his wife in Germany this past October. Here is the link to the North American Silkroad distributor. Bill has been living in the Queen City for 11 years of which 8 he has been a dedicated bicycle commuter only using the car on average of one and a half times a month. His route is 11 and a half miles of neighborhood connectivity from south east of town up to the Gateway Center in the Jar. Over coffee the other day Bill told me that his route is relatively calm and peaceful lack about 1 mile of Randolph Rd that he side walk surfs(I swallow my pride every day on the stay alive utilizing the sidewalk on Lawyers Rd, Albermarle Rd and Central Ave, it is key to long term survival)to get back in to the tranquility of neighborhood roads. Physical exercise, mental health, the environment, the love of being outside and experiencing different input other than just being in the car are some of the reasons Bill enjoys his commute. He has had two close calls over the years one if which happened while he was stopped at a light near the CPCC campus. Just as the light went green a jack ass car viper driver came accelerating from behind him through the intersection and missed hitting him by less than 18inches. Car drivers are not going to deter this Uber Commuter from continuing his mode of transportation. Bill suggests more ordinary folks should plan a good route, buy the right bicycle and get started riding as a day to day existence. Both he and I recognize that once you start it will be hard stop and we all would love to see more ordinary folks on bikes here in Charlotte~
*I have to start paying attention.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
CMA presents: "Shout" crank it loud!
Starring me, filmed by The WonderBoy(with my fabricated helmet mount), edited by me, Musical Lyrics by Paul Hewson. The Wonder Boy shot these 2 clips of me last spring while I was on a job from the Courthouse to the City Building then from a location on Hill St back through the Panthers entropy up to the Jar. I selected these two clips to be the first edit of a multiple scene project, notice the fade transition. If you make it to the end of the last clip you will see me complete a FIXY REVERSE 360 and pull out of it without dabbing. Yea for me! More importantly, Yea for the WonderBoy for getting it on film even though the second half of the clip is slightly rastorized because the WB made an adjustment on the camera without the permission of the cinematographer which means the quality of forever stuck there. Yea!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
PEMBA ALERT, PEMBA ALERT-plus weekend report

Meet Pemba, the 2 year old pit bull and future trail hund who smiles with her entire body. Two weeks ago this fascinating love lush found St. Lissa on her run home from the bus and walked up on our porch like she owned the joint. Pemba never really left and our pack of three existing(all of which are previous rescues) welcomed her in for a fostering situation completely. Pemba is a high energy, family orientated, kid friendly, perimeter protective, pre-Roman Empire, black felt feeling fur breed with individual markings including white feet, a white paint dipped tail and this weird side tilted kite looking white blaze on her neck. With the grace of being accepted into the HALO program we have had her spayed, vaccinated and given the all around good to go medical style. We are fully prepared to foster Pemba until we place her in a good home and with people who will see the light in this ones eye but we need your help. If you know anyone who may be interested in taking Pemba into safe environment please contact me right away. As a further favor would you please take the time to email link this wondy pet out to those you communicate with. Thank You Very Much and please ride safely,
Down Bee Hive yesterday
This weekend was fairly productive starting Saturday with getting Pemba registered for adoption with Project Halo at a Dog adoption fair at the US White Water Center formally Catawba Mountain Bike Park. The rest of the day was spent with small domesticated projects at the house. A high light to Saturday was an intense game of chess that Ms. Arcen and I stalemated on.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Mini STYRO BERG field Ahead!!
Another Styro Anomaly is making it's presence known in Charlotte. The other morning I took notice of this major Mini Styro Berg field in front of the Eastland Single Track Ridge. While traversing the field of exploded Styro I was reminded of the Uptown Styro Snow storms that we have been tracking. Upon further reflection I realized that Global Styroing may be connected to the rising temperatures on the earth that we have come to know as Global Warming.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Significant Emotional Experience-40X, the bus never taken
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Heavy Mail but I'm not complaining
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
CMA presents: The Second Effort
Well, here is the second CMA Street Film production that I edited over the weekend from a film I made on Wednesday. It has always been in my minds eye for as long as I can remember, all the way back to grade school to actually be able to do what you are seeing below. I know that the first 2 films I have posted for your viewing pleasure have been very basic but the idea is there and I will go the long way ahead to make a more polished finished composition. Over the weekend I figured out through my own tutorial(and calling CSG) how to take multiple clips and marry them together, cut them or elongate them, fade the transition and match up the music to the full length I'm looking for.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Portrait of a Poop Fly

Header Images will change randomly and I will do my best to keep you informed as to what was going on when they were made.
Weekend Report:
Out to the UwharrieNational Forest yesterday for a 3hour ride on my mountain bike with an 18tooth rotor mount bolt on cog fixed gear style. Rich scooped me up for the hour easterly drive to the oldest mountains in the world. I had not been fixed mountain biking in a few years and because I have a new wheel set hopefully on the way from Asheville real soon I sold my primary wheels and are using my crappy back up for a fixy project during the interim. It was amazing to not coast on the trail, the force was constant and powerful. The downhills there are not technical like Pisgah but on a fixy nothing is normal, more like floating madness. Fun time out in the woods for awhile was had by all 2 of us. Photos(credit: Dillen Photography) just came in over the net of me riding through the creek and over some broken crystals which are the remnants of the center of a mammoth mountain that millions of years ago loomed over my head.
Friday, March 7, 2008
TGIF-Images of the week, PLUS!!!
Styro Snow and grit butts collecting
brrrr, styro snow, oh yea it is 67F degrees
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Eureka-Turn this one up loud for sure Captain!
Yesterday I sought the council of Tim the Guru of all things data related at my place of employment and asked him what was the cheapest or free soft ware that I could get to do some video editing. I told him I would like to do audio over, voice over and link some clips together. House jumped in and they both concluded that I had Windows Movie Maker already on my operating system and that should be a good place to get started. "I am a moron" was my first thought, my second was that I have been saying that a lot over the past 38 years. I went home, opened the ole PC and there it was the ability to have been doing this for just over a year staring me in the face like every other opportunity I have ever had and not taken. So here ya go, more to follow of the CMA Street Minutes.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
CMA(Charlotte Messenger Association) Presents:
Minute clips, views from the streets. The above vignette was shot by me on my Lemond Fillmore yesterday, sorry about the audible wind noise(turn way down Captain!), I have that problem fixed for the next shoot. The night before I spent over an hour but under 2 fabricating the head that would mount to the center of my stem and temporarily replace the stem cap. It's just like my friend and 2006/2007 UXC cinematographer of the year Pvt Calvin Grant used to say, "Why buy it, when you can fabricate it?" The head itself is made of recycled(except for the zip ties, I am working on a more environmentally friendly bolt on method)parts including a bolt, washers, a lock nut from the work bench and the rubber piece that comes on SPD shoes covering the cleat mount.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Styro Snow Storm
This past Friday I picked up 2 tubs of mail at 0830hrs, delivered the first to One Wachovia then proceeded north on College towards my next drop. When I crossed into the 200 S. block the styro snow storm started. The wind was blowing it everywhere from up high and off of the ground swirling around in little blowing drifts. At first I thought, how funny I'm ridding through a styro snow storm then all of a sudden I felt some of this white stuff from the sky above try to go into my throat with an inhale. I closed my mouth and lowered my head into the tub on my bars and watched some of the construction workers milling about on the ground hiding their faces as well. I guess they too did not want any of the styro snow to lodge in their lungs. What a weird feeling for just over 3 blocks.
I locked up and headed for the door with an annoying feeling in my right(good) eye. Good Morning to 2 clients in the box and up. I was facing the mirrored doors as they closed and then saw the annoyance that was a flake of styro snow half up under my top eye lid. I dropped the mail tub and I think audibly said, "Dammit" with a client staring at me in the reflection. I pulled my top lid up and tried to get the styro snow flake to stick to my finger tip. That just pushed it up some more which caused me to say, "Dammit" again. I blinked a few times and then was able to push it off of my eye and onto my finger. "Ha", I exclaimed, "Styro Snow". The ladies that I had almost forgotten about who were standing behind me looked scared at first then they laughed. I told them as they exited the box to watch out for the styro snow.
This really happened.
Apology Edit: This morning I was late, trying to leave on the East Side Stay Alive a bit early to beat what I thought was on coming rain and I posted me bloggy without a reread of a crappy piece of work littered with grammar and usage mistakes. I came in to the Uptown and read my lack luster works and made the appropriate changes to comply with the English language. Any mistakes still left are left with intention for which I apologize as well.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Flashback: Bike Love
Before you ask, the weekend was busy with laborious domesticated chores and an interesting local ride at Poplar yesterday. Two weeks ago my neighbor took down a big maple tree that wound up in my yard in 8-10foot sections which I wound up cutting and splitting. Saturday I took down another smaller maple right on the edge of my yard that's crown has had shock growth for the past two years. This was the first real tree drop I've done in 5 years and to make matters a little more sketchy the 50 footer( I judged 50 because the top was roughly ten feet above the 40ft light pole close by, real close) was less than 20 feet from my neighbors garage. I climbed up to the left hand leader first and dropped a 15 foot section of it straight down. Then I got in position to take down the other main leader which ran from where I was to above the light pole. I thought with family watching that the drop would be just inside the light atop the pole itself, I judged wrong by like 6 inches. The saw buzzing, me 25 feet up and there fell this top leader straight down clipping the hot wire and supporting cable causing the pole to spring((Boinggg)) as well as the wires. Switch saw off and soon the pole and wires stopped moving to the cheers of the family or I mean smart ass comments of the family. I cut that and split it that day by sun down. Yesterday morning I went to Poplar and had a fun time for a few hours. When I came home I spent the rest of the day moving the split two cord to it's final stack, one and a half cord under the car port and the rest under the side roof of the barn.