Early yesterday Ms Arcen, Danger and I headed out with bikes loaded for the Trace Ridge Parking Lot. We were welcomed by Harvey the huge Copper dog and his handler Denise who was getting ready to head out on a short loop with Harvey then a big loop solo after Harvey was back in the car. I put the fishing poles, some artificial bait including the spinner I found on the shore of the
Yuba river on my recent west coast run, a snack of grapes and spare clothes into my trusty messenger bag then we rolled out. It is not very far from the parking lot to the reservoir but the kid found it quite something from the control of her Swamp Bike's cockpit. She appeared small against the forested mountain back drop. A little bumpy was her comment and there were a few hairy minutes slamming into rock burbles on the Down Hill trying to keep her coaster brake in check. The first rise she pushed for a bit then got back on and made the little climb. More Down the mountain to the flat and traverse to the base of Big Creek Trail where we dropped the bikes and went for a swim. The sun was warm, the fish were not biting but exploration took over and photo document was under way. More Swim. Still no fish. Grapes and granola consumed washed down with the water we brought from the Jar. Hours did pass then we loaded back up and headed out. The rollers out were easy for her but she struggled after the day of being out in it at the base of the final climb up to the parking lot. I had a brain storm and interlocked 2 tubes together then placed one of the loops around my seat post and the other around her handle bar. We worked together and I pulled her out while she pedaled with my aide. First stop out of N Mills was at the red roof barn for 3 heirloom tomatoes and a hot chocolate up the road in the same travel cup that had warm tea in it earlier in the day.
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