Tuesday, March 18, 2008

CMA presents: "Shout" crank it loud!

Starring me, filmed by The WonderBoy(with my fabricated helmet mount), edited by me, Musical Lyrics by Paul Hewson. The Wonder Boy shot these 2 clips of me last spring while I was on a job from the Courthouse to the City Building then from a location on Hill St back through the Panthers entropy up to the Jar. I selected these two clips to be the first edit of a multiple scene project, notice the fade transition. If you make it to the end of the last clip you will see me complete a FIXY REVERSE 360 and pull out of it without dabbing. Yea for me! More importantly, Yea for the WonderBoy for getting it on film even though the second half of the clip is slightly rastorized because the WB made an adjustment on the camera without the permission of the cinematographer which means the quality of forever stuck there. Yea!!


The Big Bad Banker said...

Emotional exhilaration at its finest! I laughed, I cried, I wanted to go buy a bike!

Billy Fehr said...

Then you need to go buy a bike right away!

The Big Bad Banker said...

Sadly, such is not an option as I put $400 into my Jeep this morning for a new alternator.

Billy Fehr said...

Stop making excuses, drop all barriers leading to truth and above all negotiate your priorities King Jimmy and build a bike for the name of humanity and all that is real!!!

The Big Bad Banker said...

Well, I don't think the local bike shop will accept the "I don't have a money but I really want a bike" routine anymore than the gas attendant at BP accepts the "I don't have any money for gas, but I really love my fiance" routine :-) Interesting you speak of truth. It reminds me when I was recently watching a DVD by retired world chess champion Gary Kasparov, who was commenting on the Poisoned Pawn variation in the Sicilian Najdorf, and spoke of it as in the search for truth! I've studied philosophy and theology for years now... such are two new schools of thought to me!