I found this photograph of Ansel Adams on the net taken in 1980, photographer unidentified.

Yesterday Botzie and his 2 kids scooped Ms. Arcen and I in his 40plus mile to the gallon Honda Civic that has over 400,000miles on it, for real. I have had the privilege to ride in this car may times including a middle of the night dash to NYC, various local trips and that time that I was out in Colorado and Wyoming with my road bike. The car is amazing but then again so is its owner.
We headed down I-77 south on the 90 mile transfer to the Columbia Museum of Art for the last day of the Ansel Adams forty seven print Gallery showing. We arrived under a gray cloud covered rainy sky that seemed to separate and show higher up blue the further down Main Street we drove.
The museum was packed and after we were issued our free tickets we decided to head to the upstairs gallery first in hopes that the queue would dissipate a bit. Just as we started across the floor for the marble stair case a live choir acapella version of Amazing Grace began from above. We walked up and towards the familiar chorus that sounded unlike any version I had ever heard. It was not bag pipes, jazzy, familiar or pop. The throat vibrations and heart of voice literally sounded as if it were coming out of a cotton field a hundred and fifty years ago. I was drawn to and away from it at the same time. That saved a wretch like me. By the singers dressed in black through the glass doors the beautiful pure sound in unison behind me. On a table immediately inside the first hall were several marble hand carved busts of nose-less heads from 350AD to 50AD. The paintings in the hall were big and some dated as far back as the 17th Century. We walked around the upper floors for a bit and let the imagery and art take us back in time. There was a large painting made in 1650 by Guido Cagnacci of David Holding the Head of Goliath that I found the most interesting. Cagnacci's use of light on the subject seemed intensely real and now.
I read yesterday in a book on the way down to Columbia that this picture Ansel Adams made in 1927 of Half dome was a 5 second exposure at F22.

Columbia South Carolina is not only the State Capital but apparently it is the Wig Retail Mecca of the south eastern United States. I saw no less than six Wig Stores in three blocks and if you look closely you will see three of those stores on this one block alone, two of them side by side. Columbia boasts being dog friendly...
Hey, I mean hay...
Local bar on the corner of Main and Gervais The Whig is named after all the wig shops.
wv: bliessat
GJR...did you know that your army navy store displayed the world's biggest pair of tiddy whities///
January 18, 2010 5:29 PM
Posted to Columbia South Carolina Twice in One Month
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Is St. Lissa a midwife? If so, that's great! I used a certified nurse midwife for my delivery. I couldn't find one back in 1998 for my first. Anyhow, I delivered all natural both times and it was well worth it.
I appreciate anyone who can help women deliver with less medical interventions, and with deifinite benefits to both mother and child.
Miss Murray,
St. Lissa will be DONA Certified as a Doula by May...but the future may have her upgrade that status to CPM.
You read between the lines very well!!
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