Friday, July 18, 2008

Photo Doc-Day In Charlotte NC Yesterday

Here is part of the photo essay that I worked on yesterday starting at around 0900hrs with the last images taken just before 1400hrs before the device was actually moved in to the back of a Bomb Squad trailer and hauled off to be dismantled. The faux but apparently real looking pipe bomb device was found by a random human(He is pictured below) on the ground at the base of a tree at the 200 North block of College St. early yesterday. Over the next hours the Police and support of specific departments made 3 attempts to blast the cap off of the device and all 3 failed. The robot featured below then picked up the apparatus, loaded it into a trailer and the cops took it off to do the final dismantling somewhere out of the uptown. The details came out to the public by the evening news, it was officially not an explosive device but it was made to look like one. click any of them to see full size detail...


This photo is from roughly 250ft above the street, the truck(the ball on top of the flag pole) on the top of the American flag is a very appropriate symbol of what I was seeing.

Quiet at 0930hrs, normally heavy traffic

The news used tons of fuel raining down on us to cover the big story, all 3 local stations had their choppers lined up to get in for the best view so that all y'all in the toon could wonder what I was doing....
The 2 guys in the middle pointing, the one in the black shirt on the right is the one who called the cops and when I asked him a question about what he saw, he told me that he probably should not say anything to me. There was awkward silence for like 10 seconds and then I said, "Why?" He really did not have an answer...maybe he was thinking about is future 4 million.


AloneTogether said...

do people in the 'jar' not have anything else to do? besides make faux bombs and hope they get some footage? a good excuse to be late for their job..
the four million comment is hilarious... thats really how it is isn't it? nice coverage.

Billy Fehr said...

intuitionally i'm kicking right now c and have been since getting the final declassified report of what it actually was last night because the cause at the quanta is way bigger than just not having anything to do in the jar other than make faux bombs for footage which would drive a person to this statement of terror. there is so much involved, the person responsible was not wreckless in his final composition, it fooled the cops almost all day....a perfectionist? perhaps with bigger ideas than just attention. thanks for looking at the pictures-the window from where you are in to the jar....