This is the only header Image you have ever seen that was not taken by me, as well it is the scariest. SS rider Dejay Birtch, photog unidentified. *This post has been completely corrected by the Fast Marsupial. New rule, no blogging after more than two beers.
"was not been taken by me." - Also the scariest.
wv: jerkInTN
Okay...I just got done staring at that sentence after your friendly winked reminder for 7 minutes before I realized that I had two on my mind. "was not taken by me" or "has not been taken by me"/ Neither was supposed to be, "was not been take by me". Second sentence is the way I wanted it to read in this three sentence(now chopped to two) blog that I couldn't even clean without a tap from the great state of TN. Oh wait, now I have to change the second sentence as well(NOT ALSO) because I see now exactly what you are saying that I was trying to convey. AWESOME Thanks Thad.
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