How lucky am I? Let me tell you, not only have I been able to ride in the mountains of North Carolina two weeks
in a row but on yesterday's ride I got to witness an advancement in mountain cycling technology that we were all duly sworn to keep secret. Mums the word here and for the record, all of the images below have been cleared with
Bad Idea Racing in compliance with the guidelines for keeping such a secret, secret until the time is deemed for the knowledge to be released to the public.
Top Secret Clearance Riders:
Eric, The Pony, Dennis, Kangalangamangis, Dave 'Whole Lotta Watts' Elliston and myself.
The roughly 25mile route: We parked at the bridge on the FR982 below the Dirt Mounds on 181, up FR982, up 181, down Greentown, Raiders, Brown Beech Road, FR982, Sinkhole and done in enough time for a cool water creek swim before heading back to the Jar.
I made this image right before I started the 181 climb. Table Rock is on the eastern edge of the
Linville Gorge, adding a splendid feature to the skyline. Click big and notice the atmospheric haze apparent in between my position and the rock. Or just look at the Header above.

On the early train Kangalangmangis continues to explain how he spent one hour removing all of the gel from his hair before we left Charlotte.

This shot was almost scrubbed until both of us realized that part of the top secret advancement in mountain cycling technology had already been secured in the secret pocket of my Ergon Pack.

Kanga was so fast going up FR982 that he beclouded himself in my lens.

Another image that was closely scrutinized before approval came.

Down Sinkhole.

Eric rolling towards a scary huge log on Sinkhole.

He managed launching it with skill and a cleverness so fast that I missed the shot and only wound up with this. Sorry Eric.

The Pony positions himself in a manner that clearly obscures the view of the secret.

The Top Secret that I have been referring to in this morning's post may or may not be related to the medium sized bag of Cotton Candy seen here in a cubby on Rich's dashboard

"Dave, did you see that bag of Cotton Candy in Dicky's car? What do you think it is for and what is he going to do with it? Do you think it has anything to do with his plan to dominate at ORAMM? Did you notice that the package of cotton candy he had was the good kind that comes in three colors?"
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