Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tony walking it Uptown on the square
Yesterday in Uptown Charlotte I met this local BMX'er named Tony from the Hidden Valley neighborhood of the Queen City that knows how to 'walk it' down Tyrone St. He pulled it up on the square going north and held it for a bit longer than half of the block, which to me seems like something seeing his wheels are so small. I asked him if he would do it again for me so that I may film his skill and post it, he obliged. After the above shot was made Tony came around to see a preview when 2 of CMPD's finest came over and gave him a light ball bustin for as they put it "doing wheelies" on the square. I immediately told these officers of law that I was the one who encouraged him to show off his talent for the camera and fortunately the situation was defused and neither one of us got tazed. Imagine that, a wheelie on Tryone is a problem but being a moron is not. I love being a moron, it is legal.
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Day/Beaty the non boring way.
Out of the trail, refill bottle, and exit the park left onto Weddington, Left on to McGee towards Tilley Morris where I merged righty and soon crossed Providence Rd. Now I was south of the city on Ballentoon Commons Blvd headed for Rea Rd where I made a right. Next was Colony, a bike lane for a little while then congestion and a familiar sight from Ilan's best idea ever. I hit Selwyn, looked into an empty shop window and then dove down behind the shop for the Little Sugar Creek Greenway which ran me to Freedom Park where I came up behind the original Charlotte messenger riding a long board next to his 283. I stopped and chatted with the two of them for a few minutes and then kept on for Moorehead to Hensley Rd, then up to left on Queens, right on Colonial up to Caswell. In front of the hospital I was passed by a big car then the passenger in the back seat yelled out, "Hi Bill!" It was Andrea who is a Nova original and I had not seen her in a year or so. How funny, she was on her way to visit a sick relative and I was just out there and our paths converged. I got up to Commonwealth off of Caswell/Pecan and did the normal commute East side stay alive home from there. I walked in the door 3hrs and 25minutes after I had left and was feeling great.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Classic Laurel-Pilot, to Slate Rock Inner

Can't wait to see if a fork is in my destiny.

Yesterday even though those with degrees in meteorology and corporate salaries were saying it was gonna be a bad day for a ride in the NC Mountains three days ago Rich, Ryan and I headed out to meet Eric at the Laurel Mtn trail head anyway. It was raining on the entire 230.04km drive as it had through the night all the way until we started climb up Laurel. By the time we were on the 2,000$ climb I could see crystal blue skies above the landmass in front of us and through the trees. Descending Pilot was a blast, especially following Eric(who provided us with all the above images.) through the Hum V section on the lower. When we entered in the line was completely under fresh flowing, crystal clear rain water being pulled downward like a defacto stream through this lumpy section which is hard enough to ride dry. Eric kept his momentum up which encouraged me to do the same and it was like riding in a mini fast moving Black Wells creek. No slippage, the traction stayed there and then we were through both tickled at this small happening on this trail ride day. Lefty onto the inner connector and then right to go up left on Slate the steep version where the view was clear and blue. We descended down to 1206 and climbed a shorty up to the car to get home right at sundown on my end.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Courier Christmas Party Report

Big Rick my Dad, provided me with the above image which he took of me I dunno, like a million years ago in or around 1975 or 76. It is an interesting image for me on lots of levels that I wanted to share with you. I of course do not remember him taking the picture but I do remember some of that day in these little memory vignettes. Our little family was outside a lot, there was a walking path lined with tall trees and animals to pet in certain sections of this park in Vermont. There was a train line that came through the property and nothing seemed as weird and over crowded as it does now. Winter in New England was a great place to be a kid 30 years ago for sure. Anyways for what ever you believe, Happy Holiday and New Year.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ground Score times 4
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tab, mas fotografias JOKKMOKK
Monday, December 17, 2007
Cracked out in Jokkmokk
The magnetic pull of being connected to the landscape felt dense and slow here above the Polcirkeln. The air quality was not only cleaner than anything I have ever tasted here in the great ole USA but it was also visually crystal clear, saturated in colors and completely free of atmospheric haze. A few minutes after this picture was taken our Austrian ex patriot host brought us out some lingdenberry and reindeer pizza with fresh cold beer. The hand rolled doughy purple meaty thing was amazing and put life into our human forms. After the arctic pizza we took out the bikes, built them on the side walk and headed out for an overland SS cycling adventure into bear territory. Jordy and I followed some chundery double track north out of town to the river Lulla Sulla Lava which supplies Jokkmokk with it's drinking water. We crossed a weir and then back into the woods again along the northern edge of the river. Soon we found ourselves across another bridge and on hard packed fire road as the very twisty river widened before us. The evergreens were very dense in all directions as far as you could see which gave the air a pine filtered smell. The land was flat with an occasional roller which seemed to gain very little altitude but was drawn out long enough to give good vistas of this polar landscape.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Ghost of Jerry Reed, this is for you pal!