Friday, February 1, 2008

Meet Dick, watch him SUV it out of Charlotte real fast like.

Yesterday morning I had the chance to roll up on the Vice Presidential visit to the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce where Mr. Cheney was to give an economic speech to those republican business folks in town lucky enough to get the invite. I leaned my bike on a gargabe can and took up position with the press corps which was one other photographer(Observer Staff) who recognized me as that courier he has been seeing for awhile. We introduced each other and he told me that the VP would be coming by vehicle in less than 5mins across Tyrone on MLK Blvd against traffic. I was amazed at the amount of public resources on the ground, in autos and in the air devoted to the protection of our fine VP in an American city, especially a city like this. Covering his SUV exit were at least 35 motor bike police including the CMPD, Mecklenberg Sheriff's Department and NC State Highway Patrol. Then there was another 25 cars representing the same departments and of course a half dozen secret service blacked out vehicles. All of a sudden the other photographer said, "Okay here they come, save your exposure till his truck gets through". All the protection support vehicles sped through the intersection then a little gap and there he was, a cry of some sort of muffled applause came from the half assed crowd standing about and I snapped two frames and he was gone. Quick, here he comes, don't blink.

This was yesterdays Anarchistic movement, simialr to everything else in town.

Are there more law enforcement humans in this photo than there are public citizens?
Come on man, have you not heard how good this or any war is for our economy, I mean the treasure wealth of the top 2% of the American population is doing great by any standard.

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