Back in early May I decided to move the main garden(there are 2 others: one along the drive that has all the herbs including multiple varieties of oregano, basil and mint plus cucumbers and green peppers. The 3rd garden consists of 3 wooden boxes that have 3 types of growing lettuce in them right out the back door) from where it had been for the last 8 years in the way out back to a new spot with more sun. The trees that line the garden have been slowly getting more magnificent which over time took sun light away from the surface of the garden. So, I dug the new area by hand turning it over a bunch and then I tied in a little new fence to the old one that was here before us. St. Lissa then went to work putting in the ground 10 different tomato plants plus some squash. The rains came heavy in May and now these tomato plants are over head high and already yielding some delicious fruit. We have 120 gallons of rain water stored that we started tapping into this week because the rain has gone again. Hopefully what we have left in the barrels will last long enough until the next rain so that they can fill all over again and we can keep this veggie project growing.
Hey Billy! Question for you - how do you keep squirrles from eating green tomatoes??... We've lost half a dozen to those darn tree rats! Also - did you see that James finished his x-country trip yesterday?
I think my dogs tend to frighten the tree rats away. No, I did not know that about James, where did you get the data? His blog seems un-updated??
Doug, an outdoor cat helps with squirrels as well! Also, if you capture a squirrel, skin it, then crucify it on a mini wooden cross. This will send a message to other squirrels to stay out of your garden. If that doesn't work, might I suggest a high powered sniper rifle? Have you tired reasoning with the squirrels?
Thanks for the input on the tree-rat repellants - i actually stopped at Lowes the other night and got some aweful (as in really, really bad) smelling spray and will try that prior to the sacrificial squirrel.
James was posting on his Facebook page a little more often than he was on his blog - additional pics on there also.
If you try the squirrel mini crucifixion as JGR suggests please be sure to take some pictures and forward them to me right away. Do not forget to put a tiny ring of thorns on the squirrel's bushy little head before you nail him to the cross.
wv: rested
Beautiful Garden, Bill!
Thanks GR.
Last night's tomato harvest was amazing, 12 big reds, 2 even bigger harlequin reds(lunch in the bag) and a lb or so of cherries and cherry ramas....
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