I just noticed that Yancey is on the Counter checking her eyelids for holes!

These are the first pictures that I have made of all 4 dogs in one image. In a counter clock wise direction from the picture directly above we have Danger(Seal Blubber) the yellow dog, Max(came with that name at a year old) the Door Opening better than Great Dane, Zula(aka ZooZoo the
Crayon Eater) and Mary the Matriarch. This is what I come home to whenever I go home. Each one of these sporting class kids came from a bad situation over the past 9 years to a good one where they are fed, watered and allowed to pretty much do whatever they feel like doing on the daily. They are well behaved for the most part and generally fun to be around. These
Teufel Hunden keep a vigilant eye on the perimeter here in Dooleyville and as well look out for the kid while she plays. All of them except Danger can shake their paws with your hand on command, she would rather have snack.
Rescued Animals not in image but very much permanently residing here:
Yancey(most familiar I have ever known) the grey/brown/black brindle cat that was left with a dead mom in an auto viper incident when she was a baby along with her brothers and sisters.
Santara the white, yellow and orange bird that cat calls me and likes to dance
Scarlet O'Hare the lop eared rabbit rescued from a hardware store in upstate Virginia
Temporary Mules:
3 small/big orange tabby kittens-14 day fosters(more on these to follow)
That's a motley crew you have there Billy!
Bill, I'm going to be looking to adopt a kitten next week! You got a scoop on any great ones?
-Jen (former courier girl)
Lady Courier,
I am housing 3 orange and crazy good now but they will not be back to the humane society for another few weeks. Anyone you could pick will be amazing, you will see it in its eyes so you may as well get 2 of them.
nice seein' ya today, if only for a moment! I'd love 2, but don't know if that would be appropriate for an 850 sq ft home with a dog already in residence here. What do you think?
L. C.
Yuppers two moments actually, I saw you roll back north through a window....I had been on the same bench since you went out but I had gotten up to refill my bottle and watched you roll by filtered by glass. If you had a small area or a dog-less room for the 2 cats to find safety and you could be really f'n strict with the dog then all would be your own manifestation of happiness.
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