I realized recently that my 10mile commute is not something I strive to do so that I can say I do it. My daily double Stay Alive these days is just what it is, my commute to and fro the best job I have ever had. I do every once in awhile I jump on the bus(emergency bus pass is always in my bag) or drive the UN Montero if my parenting services are required or in that rare case I am sick, however do to my religious pursuit of my Stay Alive my immune system rarely allows me time to be ill. What I am trying to convey is that there are no goals to commute more by bike for I have intrinsically excepted my daily routine by bike as my existence. After the first few years of transfer into the physical manifestation of commuting by bike the daily effort just came to be a natural occurrence. When commuting by bike dot com is excepted wholly in one's life no effort is required to plan or figure out all the little logistics that seem to remain barriers for the masses which prevent them from not only not allowing their bikes to be their mode of transport but at the same time stifles their own internal strength potential.
Rotation Perpetual and Cyclic.
william, you know i love you, but you also know i have NO sympathy for you guys what so ever today!!! You need this, it builds character!!! teaches you to never get too comfortable there!!!
yea boots, i hear ya'
i definately need some character building.....deez fool
right on Billy! thank you for the encouragement and truthful words of expression!
We added you as our daily blog for 1/17/2009... http://www.bikeblogs.com/
If you could, please add our website address to the list of blogs on your right menu. Thanks!!
Bike Blogs you're in on the top and thanks for sharing a picture of half of my mountain bike in front of the Jar and my link with your viewers-I appreciate it!
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