Monday, May 11, 2009

How High is the Water Mama?

$2.20 and rising. One night last week the Charlotte area received around about 3" of rain in less than an hour and a half. This deluge came, hit the roads and buildings in the area then turned into storm water run off which is a powerful phenomenon when so much drops in such a short time span. The sheet of water that swept across our little ville came from the direction of Hwy 24/27, the higher ground a mile away. From our back yard the water continued its slight downward flow crossing one more road then onto the low spot of Loch Dooley.
The clover was under water as were my feet.
This water as you can see is moving from left to right across the yard. There are some strange hydraulics happening at the base of the Great Wooden Wall of Dubious Dubois.
Reverse Angle.
Slightly down stream and headed towards the Good Neighbors' hacienda.
The flow wrapping around the GN's house as it heads on down stream for the Loch at Dooleyville.
Ms. Arcen demonstrating a friendly wave to our neighbors who are curiously watching her from the dry comfort of their living room.

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