Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace...Amazing Grace, How Sweet the sound....
The idea was presented to WCNC by Doug Engel after linking over to Cedar Posts to read about the death of U.S. Marine Noah M. Pier. Doug is a very smart and observant fellow human who felt it fitting to suggest Noah for the name of the new Eaglet at Charlotte's Raptor Center, so he did. From there more CP reader followed that suggestion and with those efforts Noah was selected by WCNC as a finalist just last week. The people have spoken and with 52% of the over 4,300 votes casted Noah was chosen as the name for the baby eagle. This has cosmic implications and that is just the beginning.
NOW: In the energy transfer a countless number of humans in the future forward will visit the Raptor Center and learn about Noah and the impact his life and death had on our ever present American Culture. Where ever this extraordinarily powerful and beautiful bird travels it will be carrying with it an identity connected to reality. Thank you to everyone who took a minute to vote from here. A special thanks to my friend Doug for having the foresight to realize the positive impact of an idea and then taking the initiative to go through with it. Without his grace the future would never have been changed.
The horn man's case.
and thank you Bill, for providing the conduit for the idea and inspiration.
10-4 Doug!
I second that. Truly is a great thing to have our national bird named after a great patron to our country.
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