Yesterday morning I had a minute to scan a few blogs of which one was Cedar Posts informing me that the vote was on after the over 800 suggestions were narrowed down to the top 5 for a public opinion vote. Twelve CP readers suggesting Noah had put his name on the top of the list of finalists. In theory this vote counts more than your Governmental Votes which will bring you nothing more than a Summons for Jury Duty. This E-Vote is way easier than the last one I asked you to cast. All you have to do is CLICK HERE and look at the 5 choices. Once you make your decision just type in the proper noun: Noah, then click submit response. The other night in front of his casket the spirit entity felt my presence which means it will see the flight of an eagle's wings. This has nothing to do with the emblem of a country, more than that it is the definition of emotional, spiritual, physical and inner body transfer. PLEASE ROCK THE VOTE, PASS ALONG TO YOUR 'FRIENDS' and let it be taken into the sky on the wings of a bird whose mortality is connected directly to the power of its intuition.
Correction: Nothing like seeing an embarrassing grammar usage mistake 24 hours after I posted it. Yesterday afternoon I caught my own incorrect application of than which should have been then: "Yeah, I know metamanicism is not a word but if it communicated any meaning your way then it has served its purpose." In the second sentence none the less. I do know the difference but apparently was not paying close attention.
Thanks Bill.
Actually Doug, thank you~
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