"Mall Minutes", you are saying to yourself. What the hell has gotten into him that he spent 14 hours in the South Park Mall this weekend?? Well, it was the last two days of
a project that I gladly agreed to be part of a few weeks ago. The other
Rich D. in Charlotte hooked me up with the opportunity to shoot some digital film of the marketing(another one of my favorite things) and promotion of a
CMT pilot project. It was a very learning experience to work in a Mall environment with the Pro Team that project leader Jae(not to be confused with
the J) put together. Besides all of the cool technical stuff that I did with the cameras I was educated in a few things about the normal folk who spend their weekends Mall Jockeying. I couldn't help it, my conscious was immersed in their realm so I was picking up on it.
Here are just a few of my many observations:
-People have condoms and lanyards for their little bottles of Clorox or 3M Hand Sanitizer. Who makes that product and how many of them are there world wide?
-Some parents yell at their children's intuitive response to not wanting to participate in a corporate marketing scheme. After the verbal it goes physical with arm grabs and negative aggressive posturing. Life is great when a child's intuition is squelched by those they trust at an early age. The real American Energy Crisis rears its ugly head yet again.
-On Sunday more people have on New England Patriot hats than on Saturday.
-People exclaim when they make the realization, "IT's FREE!!"
-Some folks thought the Gator in the Mall on the floor in front of the Back Drop was real, until they focused their eyes.
-The Mall crowd ebbs and flows like the tides of the great oceans.
-Little Johnny is gonna go to commercial.
I made this picture of Mall traffic with my 35mm on the end of a monopod that I borrowed from Rich. Soon I would like to get my own.

Rich took this picture of me in Action. The crew made fun of my cuffed 2.50$ Good Will non-fashion approved linen pants. I was an easy target for them to mock but I still have good hair.

Here I am playing my role.

Another 35mm monopod view of an excited human and a fiberglass alligator.

The professional diverse crew that kept the CMT project together. Good work folks!

Self portrait near inland ocean and storm transfer.

Mindy caught in the same storm.

The smiling child is wondering why they told her it was the Easter Bunny when it looks more like the
Quick Bunny. 
Of the hundreds of participants in this weekend's shoot these two appeared to be the most animated of the lot. Check out the grimacing face of the girl trying to knock the gator out with a little flash light.

The man who put this location site together handling the Gator with ease.

Rich D. at the coast line in Charlotte's nicest Mall.
Rich D, cyclist, blogger, gator-surfer. What will the man NOT do?
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