I have been making this inbound commute now for over 6 years but I have only used this trail for the past 6 months. I was forced off the road at the Centrolian split back in early December which put me on the lower ending sidewalk that transitions in to the trail. The very next day when I saw the sidewalk again I took it and realized that this was a fun little thing that could keep me off the most dangerous part of the split. There you have it, the most boring post I have made in at least a week.
Today I turn 39years of age. In 12 months I will transition numerically into my 4th life. It has been an interesting 14,235 days of living so far, I can't wait for the next 14,235 days to pass. For those of you who care I will be living today as normally as I did yesterday but my birthday will be highlighted with the following: Work, an interview with a Performance Model(blog post to follow) a possible afternoon Mountain Bike ride and then a nutritionally useless cheese pizza for diner, that's right diner. Happy Birthday to me.
*Late edit: Woke up to no hot water in the house. Have spent time already on my back looking into the thermo coupler and trying to re light the pilot. The pilot does not want to stay lit. Called the guy form AMP and he told me the entire coupler will need to be replaced. Awesome Birthday gift, a new thermo coupler that I was not planning on having to buy. That goes well with last months new front loading washing machine that I was not planning to buy either when the 13 year old machine that I had fixed 3 times prior finally went to the light and never came back. The even better part is the guy can be here this afternoon at 1600hrs which may very well ruin my chances to go to Sherman Branch and get a Mountain Bike ride in....this birthday is getting good!
Happy Birthday William!!! ...and "diner" is spelled "diNNer"...Diner is that shady place where Slim Rookie picks up his mom after she gets done workin the streets!
Happy Birthday! Your day will get better and yes you can still go on your ride
Boots...Jordy taught me that diner is a better word for dinner, it just sounds more fitting.
birthday balls
Happy Birthday Bill - Don't you dare stay out of work for anything fun! Nose to grindstone private!
All Y'all,
Thanks for the birthday comments!
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