Last evening I left the house for what was supposed to be a quick trip(over an hour time warp) to the closest gas station for 2.5 gallons or roughly 10 dollars of petroleum for my mower and then up the street from there is the Spanish Mexican produce stand where I was going to get 20 limes for 2 bucks(lime aide is cheaper and better than lemon). I hate mowing the grass, deep down I always have and even though I push it out as far as I can, sometimes 3 weeks between it is still inevitable and I still disdain the act.
I pulled up to the Circle K which is less than 2 miles and 2 roads from Dooleyville, as I got out of the car I was immediately approached by a beggar. Not quite like the basket cases(literal bread basket in hands extended for charity) I have seen in far away off the continent poverty but a different American urban version. His tall frame was clad in work stained khakis, a stained white t-shirt and sneakers. He was on me as I made my way around the back of the car and at first I was sort of thinking that this was going to be the minute that something goes down. He was twitchy, clean under the dirty and not wanting to make eye contact after he realized that meant I was going to be looking into his soul. Out of the side of his mouth he asked me for some help to get some gas. My eyes reached for contact with his as I gave a dollar for him to get 1/4th of gallon, he asked for more but I told him that I couldn't.
As I stepped around the pump and on to the curb to enter the establishment a woman approached describing herself as an author in need of help. I told her that I would be back in a second as soon as I paid. At the counter a woman in line with something else on her mind asked me for 50 cents. I gave the register man a 10 asking him to put 9.5 on my red tank and leave the lady the rest. On my way out I stopped to chat with the author in need of help and when I made eye contact with her it was a lock. She looked more in to mine than I could have possibly seen in hers yet it was mutual. Meet Marlo Chapman, born and call it raised in New Bern North Carolina in December of the same year of my birth. I listened to her story which was extraordinary and she gave me a flyer where she clearly states that she needs help which is supported by a paragraph as to why. I looked at a few pages in the book and the sentences were simple, short and sounded like her voice which I had just been introduced to.
I could not afford her book, the only money I had left was for the berde limons(limes) so I excused myself to fill the red tank. I could not stand it so after the 2 minutes it took to pump the gas I parked the car and went back over to Marlo. I asked her if it would be okay if I took some pictures of what was really happening and asked her some questions for my blog. "What's a blog?", she smiled honestly. I asked her to tell me about her book titled CHANGING FACES and she replied, "It's about me.", oh your biography?, "Yes, it is my biography". This woman who dropped out of the school system in Craven County in the 5th grade went on to one of the most horrifyingly real not dramatized life scenarios that one could imagine. She grew up in a house with 2 brothers, 1 sister, a really, really mean drunk dad and a mother that did not do anything about it until it was way too late. Marlo was abused on all levels starting as an infant when the bonding that should have been taking place to support her little growing brain was replaced with drunken uneducated debauchery. That transfer combined with on going physical abuse from her brother caused this girl to go in to her formative years completely reckless. After dropping out of school in the 5th grade she started using drugs, alcohol and sex as a way to fuel her constant need to fill her perceptions with what is real. By the age of 16 Marlo had had sex for money, free and sometimes even without her own consent with nearly 1,000 men. That is when the money and drugs she could buy with that money first landed her in jail.
Over the next 14 years until she became clean 4 years ago she had 6 children of which two she was not even sure of the father and the other 4 were from different men. She spent some of that time in and out of the system and her kids in the care of the county. For the past 4 years she has remained clean enough so that she has earned her GED and can now obviously read and write. It took her 4 months of making notes and then another 5 months to put together the manuscript which was recently published by Black Ink Books here in Charlotte. I have not read Changing Faces yet but I did scan a few pages and I am interested enough find her in the next day so that I can purchase a copy.
When I asked her ultimately what caused her life to be such a self loathing nightmare she replied simply with one word, "Ignorancey"
It's good to see Marlo doing "her thing". I honestly thought about her a few months ago and wonder where she was & what she was doing. Honestly, I thought she was either dead or in jail. Again, it's good to see that she is alive and well. And I will definitely buy her book when it's available here in New Bern. Keep doing what you're doing, Marlo. Best wishes!
Congratulations to Marlo for not only persevering against all odds, but surviving and never giving up. To go from very little education to being an author is a huge feat in itself. May God Bless the works of your hand and supply you always with more than enough. Best wishes and Gods Blessing.
Lisa Williams
I grew up with Marlo i am a relative of hers its hard to believe i didnt see what was going on in her life.Boy was i fooled.
I know Marlo as well. I grew up in New Bern, and not ashame of it. Marlo, girl you do your thing, and keep up the keeping up!!! I wish you the best of luck. If you are wondering who I am, my name is Kandee Johnson (the niece of Derrick & Kenny Jackson, the family from Green Street)
Congratulations Marlo. I, too, am a relative of her's. Hoping your book is a great success.
Sandra Smith
Wanted to know where can I purchase your book?
Stop, Marlo! I thought she was dead. Wow, now I see why she gave me a hard time growing up. Is that what drugs, alcohol and no education make people do? Hmmm. Best wished to her, thank God she changed. Or did she?
Marlo, it is good to hear that you are making it and you are doing well for yourself. I pray that God will continue to bless you. Please let me know where I can buy one of your books from. May God continue blessing you. I also grew up in the Bern with Marlo.
Renitea Lewis
Hi Marlo tihs is Tonia Pearsall Sheffield. Girl I am so proud of you and I miss you. I have been thinking about you lately and when I found out you wrote a book I went to try and find it let me know where i can get it. My address is 2741 west walnut hill#154 Irving texas 75038 call me anytime (972)697-5538
This is to whoever it was that posted the comment trying to be funny saying that he or she thougth she was dead. that was just ignorant and you made a jackass out of you self thats why u didnt give up who you are. but instead of holding grudges and bad mouthing marlo you should be praying for her and be happy that she change. and work on you.
This is to whoever posted the comment about marlo saying that he or she thought she was dead or maybe has not changed. i just wanted to let u know that you made a jackass out of your self and should how inorate you are. but instead of holding grudges you could be praying for her and be happy for her. oh and work on yourself.
The book is amazing, who would have thought she was going through all of that in her youth, and she made it. The story is so real and so honest. When you want more out of life God will test you just to see how much you want it. So, Marlo to all your naysayer until they can walk in you shoes until they can cry your tears they can go to hell with all that because sweetie you made it out and they are still stuck in their past experince never to grow up and mature as you have done. So keep the faith baby "All thing work together who loves the Lord"
Thank you Marlo for being an inspiration to us all...thank you for your honesty we love you here in New Bern. Gary,Trish LaShonda and Darryl
marlo yes the phone just went dead on the both of us while talking but g....irl let me say to all of those that did not know (judge ye that ye not be judge) so until they can walk in your shoes they need to be QUIET. I know because your oldest girl is my GODCHILD and always will be. Sister until death do us part. I love you and remember to keep your head held high.
hey my name is jasmine Chapman the daughter of Marlo Chapman and i just wanted to say is this how we support one another by bringing them down and not supporting them if so then i fell that's its a sad setchwayshion that my generation and the younger ones that are coming up will have to indore in this world. its up to the older crowed to show and guide us the writ way. yes Marlo helped plate these seed and shes not the only one so now its time to stop with the Danyelle and blaming and just accept what's been done and make a changes. i support my mama Ive seen some of her pass and i see all of present meaning her hear today. do i believe in her future sure not just because shes my mother but because i seen her come up against many i a shame of my mama no am proud of my mama most definitely i thank god shes my mama. i'm one the six of my mama children and we support her every step of the way and we thank u for supporting her to.
i am happy for you mom and i wish you good look on the book and i will all wase love you
Hi my name is N'tella Chapman the daughter of Marlo Chapman, Let me first start by saying she is a wonderful,strong,and brave woman,lol and a talker. but yea i love her very much And i wish her success on her book. i would say more but she knows how i feel about her and the book, love you!!
hey marlo i just wanted to say good job doing what u are doing i would have never thought u would have turned out like this from the way u were in school. but good luck anyways.
whats up marlo i just heard the good news and im so happy for u cant wait until you come home so i can see u its been so long since i have seen u i hope u and the kids are doing well in charlotte come home soon and keep up the good work
Hello Marlo, I'm the young lady who you met at the store today and bought your book. It was my pleasure to meet you! I will truly be praying God's best for you. He has great things in store for your life. You are an overcomer and an inspiration to a lot of women who haven't even heard your testimony yet. Let God continue to use you, there will always be opposition but shake the dust off your feet and continue to walk with God! Peace & Blessings to you!
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