Friday, December 31, 2010

2010-The Year in Review with an Image a Month

 *Late Edit:Mike Garzon took the August picture of my sliced open foot with my eye phone.  Sorry for any misrepresentation.   

 January-The year starts off with the Ian Foyster Memorial Ride and the Great Holey Knee.  Important safety tip: When descending over land on a cross-bike, focus on the terrain 3 to 10 meters out in front of your line, not on the mad skills of the fixed geared rider ahead of you. 
February-Iran in Charlotte is where I met Nasrin and her amazing group spreading awareness about the human rights abuses being committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. 
March-Yu Sebata from Chima Japan rolls through the Jar after leaving Los Angeles a month earlier.  Yu knew some English and did his best to translate the Japanese word for Bicycle,  Self Pedaling Car.
April-On Tax Day, The Tea Bag Party rallies on the front lawn of the old Mecklenburg County Courthouse.  Check here for the full Tea Bag pictorial.  This image is the most telling one I made during my Tea Bag Transfer.  It is quite interesting, the small nuances lead one to consider our now and the progress everyone keeps talking about. 
May-How could we forget May? It was the month that I went into the wrist irons shortly after arriving on the scene of my Rookie's 'accident'.  Less than a few hours before that while shooting the NRA Convention I was reunited with SSGT Karnes, an ole Marine buddy from Golf Company 2/4, The Magnificent Bastards.  We had not seen each other since June of 1991. For the Courtroom Verdict read here, it is a great story.  This is the only shot of the bunch(other than the one of my cut foot) that I did not take myself.  Photo Cred: James Wilamor, CLTBlog
June-Let the cloud emotion transfer commence. 
July-Seriously, I get side tracked easily, especially when I look up.
August-Pain is temporary, chicks dig scars and the glory remains forever.  Honestly, I am well aware that every physical pain is directly connected to an emotional imbalance.  This wound to my foot is a perfect example of that energy truth. photo taken by: Mike Garzon, aka Little Mikey and the Gracious Garzon. 
September-My favorite image of the year.  Mein Schatz's eye in natural light with the old 55mm manual lens and its beautiful macro focus. 
October-Hate He, come on Dude, you have had to of thought of that one prior to now.  Haiti in October and the learning it generated.  Thanks to all of you that a felt an internal need to share add vice and 'con' scern, I will never forget how those words and tacit innuendos helped me better understand the world around me.    
November-St. Lissa assists on her 7th birth(there have been three more since) and earns full fledged Doula Certification.  Yay, for her and the internal will she is showing to break away from the monetary attachment to the Corporate Plan of Aggression.  What she is doing is really brave, and I am happy that she has found a calling that will continue to evolve into her mobile livity source. 
December-I had the honor to spend a few hours one night at the home of Jwaye and her 3 year old Chocolate Lab, Magoo.  The photo session went well and the transfer was documented. 


MM said...

Ah...the hole in Kenny's knee. GD that was a good ride! Toby said he's planning another one in the early Spring, and Hackathorne has mapped a long dirt ride in Chas.
Happy New Year Bill!

Billy Fehr said...

Likewise Mark~

Billy Fehr said...

Oh yeah, please be sure to let me know what that ride is as soon possible so that I can taper my training schedule.

Junk said...

Dig that sh!7 eating grin on the back of the Po Po's car.
Happy New Year and look forward to more good reading. I'll keep up my usual lurkitude.

Billy Fehr said...

You know that's right Yo, and thanks, as well I wish you many transfers in 2011...

Wv: fretag

The Ghost of Jerry Reed said...

Oh Jesus, that pic of you and the cop is priceless. Happy New Year Billiam. See you soon.
