Sunday morning even though I was awake an hour early I wound up an hour late for the
early train to Warrior Creek. DST transfer, dammit, how did I miss that one? Back to bed for an hour then waking up to an emergency. One of the 6-6week old foster kittens McFly had crashed. Weakened by an upper respiratory that we had been medicating for 5 days he just went to die. When I first saw him he looked completely deflated of air inside out and not breathing, the life flame gone. Small, dead. Holy crap, St Lissa touched him and he meowed softly. Within 18 minutes McFly was under the care of Dr. Syska and the fine folks at the emergency Vet on Monroe. I held the wheel with both hands the entire speeding drive while she shared her breath with him through his tiny nose. Why cry when breathing is needed? Critical but within a few hours stable. They saved him, he will be discharged today and will reunite with his siblings.
Later in the afternoon I left Dooleyville for Sherman Branch on my Mountain Bike. Seemed like a dumb(32 x 20) idea within a few hundred yards of leaving the house. The asphalt transfer east and a bit north of here took around about 40mins. Seems as if heat was radiating already reminding me that the gross is just around the corner. Buildings not cars(and they are bad enough), buildings and asphalt release more entropy than cars. Look at all those buildings. Once at the SB lot I saw tons of cars and even some tailgaters. Into the trail and around in fine fashion slightly under an hour then back towards Dooleyville. The wind was in my face this time out of the west and south while pushing that one gear going slow and a lonely way to go at that.
Ilan said once that a head wind hurts more than a tail wind helps. Often I am reminded how true that is. The return trip took about 50mins, I lost 10.
Trail side adjustment took less than 4mins and was worth it.

Such a 'beautiful' day with ground level and atmospheric haze already apparent.

Albermarle and 485...LIG

What is this in Dooleyville?

Major ravine obstacle.

I spy the tracked vehicle line.

Whew, that was close.
Thanks for saving the kitty's life Billy!
It was truly a family combo effort that only could have happened if I missed the early train which I do not normally do. Saint Lissa was the breather, I was the driver and Ms. Arcen got McFly's paper work in order. I do regret not taking a photo of what I saw so that one day McFly could see how near the inner light transfer he actually was. You should adopt him, he is lucky for sure.
Who really saved him was Doc Syska and her crew.
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