Yesterday morning I was handed a hard copy of the latest
NashBar catalogue by an official from deep inside the industry.
This Operate, that's right Operate(CIA spy lingo) from the East Coast Div pointed me to the page adverting the new NashBar Vanilla Dune 29'er. Apparently NashBar Spies have connected to my blog multiple times via the
Hawley Blog(NashBar gets a kick out of that read) since at least
December 3, 2008 which was just after they were tipped off about my emotional and intellectual property by the
greatest bike blog in the history of the world. The full electro report is still being accumulated for the evidence boxes which are filling up by the minute for the upcoming civil case. At any rate it is completely obvious that my bicycle's identity has been ripped off in an effort to create Billism for the masses. This is an outrage. Shame on you NashBar, the least you could have done was sent me a note letting me know that you were about to recreate an imitation of my bike and sell it at a profit for the masses knowing that everyone wants a ride like mine. Just remember that no matter how much it sort of looks like my Mt. Zion Desert Storm your Vanilla Dune 29'er is simply an imitation trying. You will be hearing from my attorney who is me, so you will be hearing from me soon.
Any comments you my lovely audience would be willing to make will go in the evidence box and would be greatly appreciated.
NashBar's 09 Vanilla Dune

My 08 Mt. Zion DS
oh cool!! i want one!! that way, i can be like the legend! :)
Dude, that's just wrong!
Thanks Doug,
I rolled by your wife the other day while she was talking to you on the phone and you asked me through her about the Double Down....
Do you think fixy would make it more exciting, something new on the same path?
I smell a lawsuit!
absolutly! do the double-down on the fixy!
i've got 3 races in rock hill that weekend, so i'll be staying here in CLT...
have fun and be safe!
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